Dear Friends, one of the most important things that I have learned from serving & Worshiping The Almighty GOD is;
'in the examples, that we, ourselves do.'
And in living - by - setting the examples that Christ Jesus, wanted us to do, is one of the best ways we can get The Almighty GOD'S Word (messages) across.
It is written by James (in The Bible):
"Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly."
But what we all can do is, follow & pay close attention to what Jesus (Christ) had to say.
When we all start following Jesus (Christ), and live by His teachings, then in our actions we are becoming like Jesus.
As Jesus, had hoped we would.
And through those actions, that we are living according to, in one sense we are also teaching others.
The little ones for example, children watch & learn from their parents actions.
People also, live according to what they come to believe makes good sense to them.
Since we have the whole wide world surrounding us, with so many people watching us, just think about all those people that are learning from us.
And what's even more wonderful is, it's the work of The Almighty GOD HIMSELF, working in us & through us, through the teachings of our Beloved Savior, Christ Jesus!
In my profile, I am not putting down the Churches or the Congregations.
Only stating, what I believe is a true statement.
I find that it is good to have a place to meat other Spiritual Brothers & Sisters, others who may have the same longing to serve & Worship Our Almighty GOD.
It just saddens me, to see them act like they think that they are someone more special then another, who in-turn is doing their best in seeking The Almighty GOD.
Jonah2005 {*genesis!}
'in the examples, that we, ourselves do.'
And in living - by - setting the examples that Christ Jesus, wanted us to do, is one of the best ways we can get The Almighty GOD'S Word (messages) across.
It is written by James (in The Bible):
"Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly."
But what we all can do is, follow & pay close attention to what Jesus (Christ) had to say.
When we all start following Jesus (Christ), and live by His teachings, then in our actions we are becoming like Jesus.
As Jesus, had hoped we would.
And through those actions, that we are living according to, in one sense we are also teaching others.
The little ones for example, children watch & learn from their parents actions.
People also, live according to what they come to believe makes good sense to them.
Since we have the whole wide world surrounding us, with so many people watching us, just think about all those people that are learning from us.
And what's even more wonderful is, it's the work of The Almighty GOD HIMSELF, working in us & through us, through the teachings of our Beloved Savior, Christ Jesus!
In my profile, I am not putting down the Churches or the Congregations.
Only stating, what I believe is a true statement.
I find that it is good to have a place to meat other Spiritual Brothers & Sisters, others who may have the same longing to serve & Worship Our Almighty GOD.
It just saddens me, to see them act like they think that they are someone more special then another, who in-turn is doing their best in seeking The Almighty GOD.
Jonah2005 {*genesis!}
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