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Feb 28, 2005
Have you ever been deceived by someone? I know I have and if you said no, you've already been deceived. You can be deceived by allot of things. Friends,family,maybe someone you met here on TJ. Teens watch out! Some people only come here to deceive young teens like us. Don't get caught up with those people. People who try to spread deception to us here at TJ. They do this because they don't know God. Satan takes them over and they have no idea. Study Gods Word and pray. God will tell you whats wrong or right.
AMEN CHRISTINE!!! I so totaly agree with you, glad you brought it up. It is so hard living in this time. Satans running around desperate trying to get lives, because he knows, soon he'll be banned forever in hell, burning with all his little demons and followers. Sometimes I wonder about church, sometimes they just preach, but dont know what they're preaching, what they're talking about. It basically comes down to lies and so on, people listen, follow, and then what? you all live on lies. I realized that in my church, talked to my bro about it, and it's so true. Well God bless you girl, continue your work for God.
your sis, Tanya
Very wise insight Christine . God sees all things , and he will protect you if you continue to stay close to him . Daddy :love: :boy_hug:
from joining in January to date i have been staggered by the amount of people who have come to tj for the sole purpose of decieving.The problem is that we will never completely stamp out these imposters.As christians by our very nature we take people at face value and until a time we have reason to doubt them we trust their word.There is nothing wrong with this,it is the way of christ.So how do we discern the goons from the genuine?After a while you seem to pick up a certain pattern which these morons follow.These are things i have noticed and are a guide only,there always exceptions to the rule.

1)odd sounding user names or avatars(i recently looked up "Tzeentch"who is now a banned member,it has demonic origins.Im sure he had a good laugh about that hoodwinking us "gullible"christians.)You see they are so vain they love to leave some sort of calling card.

2)Some as soon as they join will launch into a contentious issue(often they will back their claims with twisted reasonings from the bible,the fact their idiots doesnt make them stupid).

3)in chat they may immediately contact u through pm(this has happened to me several times with now banned members,they mean to undermine and disparage,one on one is easier for them)

4)something just doesnt ring true(ever spoke to a 12 year old girl who doesnt act or behave like one?spoken to someone cotemplating suicide the next minute their laughing and joking?)

Hope these pointers can serve as some sort of"heads up"to you guys,like i said its just things ive noticed(hindsight is a wonderful thing).You got any worries at all just contact chad or one of the moderators you are never really alone in tj.Interestingly one of the definitions for the word is satan is deciever.These time wasters who mean to dissrupt may just be bored individuals with nothing better to do with their time but dont be fooled as to whos purpose they are accomplishing.With prayer,holy spirit and our vigilance we will show the devil this is our site not his.
HeavnSound what a wise discernment, I myself (rather recently) has been deceived as well as alot of people here. One thing that I have come to be very thankful for is God "warning" me. From what you posted I believe you know what I am speaking of. The key is to always listen to that warning (something I am not to good at).

One thing people seem to forget( I do also) is that we are in a spiritual war and their will be spies in the camp trying to place mis focus, confusion, anger , and resentment. See the thing is though is that we know who won !!! So those deceptor's are already loser's that we just need to pray for.

I have found it painful myself when I see when people show there true colors. The sad thing is that the are lost .
Hey Sparky . Check this out . Look up The Rev David Hagle ! You are sooo right about these sure givaways ! David Hagle is a real guy , just not our recently banned David Hagle ! Now you are starting to see ! Praise God for you taking the time to look deep into the things that are right here in front of us all ! But we should always give everyone a chance at first . But as you allow God to show you as he is doing right now , you will find yourself getting impatient fast when you see the Godly brothers and sisters here being decieved ! Thanks brother for looking into things more carefully . Brother Mike
What people need ?Is to get to the point ,we can hear the HOLY SPIRIT clear,and walk in our new spirits ,born of GOD.Then we will be led by HIS HOLY SPIRIT .and have spiritual discernment.
1Co 2:13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
1Co 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
1Co 2:15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.
1Co 2:16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.
We are growing spiritually to have the mind of OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST !
1 John 4:5They are of the world. Therefore they speak as of the world, and the world hears them. 6We are of God. He who knows God hears us; he who is not of God does not hear us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.

Romans 16:17Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them. 18For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple.

1 John 3:7Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. 8He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

James 1:22But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. 23For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; 24for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. 25But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.
Well people are deceptive all over, we just don't see them here on TJ but we still have to be aware. The people that act like that are depraved people, no life, their best friend is the computer, probably beaten up as kids, or maybe still being beaten up. Have to feel sorry for them little ones. Parents probably never even liked them, they sit at home all alone. They never grow up, good thing they don't have kids no one would want them anyways...but we gotta love 'em sick people. But they make a great contribution towards medical research when they are in psychotherapy. The psychotherapy industry will never die with their help. Books are written about them types.
So do not dispair TJ people.
mymakersdaughter said:
Well people are deceptive all over, we just don't see them here on TJ but we still have to be aware. The people that act like that are depraved people, no life, their best friend is the computer, probably beaten up as kids, or maybe still being beaten up. Have to feel sorry for them little ones. Parents probably never even liked them, they sit at home all alone. They never grow up, good thing they don't have kids no one would want them anyways...but we gotta love 'em sick people. But they make a great contribution towards medical research when they are in psychotherapy. The psychotherapy industry will never die with their help. Books are written about them types.
So do not dispair TJ people.

All things work together for the good of those who love Christ ! We can serve , or we can be clinical studies ! Jesus died so all can be free ! Brother Mike
I want to make sure that everyone realize that we are to pray for these people alot... That spiritual warfare is not about violence on our part or retaliation, it is about going to our most powerful Father and let Him take care of them...because He will.. It might not be as quick as you what but, remember God always takes care of His children and people wont get away with it forever...

I also want to say another quote I have " You know you are doing something right when the wicked make fun of you"

God Bless you my brothers and sisters.
Jesuslovesu said:
I want to make sure that everyone realize that we are to pray for these people alot... That spiritual warfare is not about violence on our part or retaliation, it is about going to our most powerful Father and let Him take care of them...because He will.. It might not be as quick as you what but, remember God always takes care of His children and people wont get away with it forever...

I also want to say another quote I have " You know you are doing something right when the wicked make fun of you"

God Bless you my brothers and sisters.
I agree with you to a certain extent brother that these imposters need our prayer and compassion,but i would like to give you an example.

For several years i was the manager of a popular clothing store in England and as a brand we were one of the best known on the high street.I loved the customer service side of the job,i got great satisfaction from fitting out a guy in a complete outfit who personally had no idea of fashion or what looked good.It was a great feeling to see the look on some of their faces when they felt pleased with the way they looked-i felt like i had done my job.

There was a flip-side to the buisness that i didnt enjoy.


Over the course of time they became more and more ingenious in their stealing techniques.We had cctv installed,we put dye tags on the garments,we put alarm tags on the garments,we got increased security presence ect.The trouble is they would find ways of getting around our new deterants and continue to steal.Without wanting to state the obvious (anyone with a buisness will agree)shoplifters to not contribute anything positive to a buisness.In fact it is quite the opposite,they drain resources and ultimately drive the price of the product up,so in the end the honest customer is subsidising the things these people are stealing.

Now i havent meant to patronise with the former paragraph(a bit like teaching granny to suck eggs as it were)but imposters here at tj in my mind are very much like shoplifters.They bring nothing of worth and they seek to steal our joy.By all means pray for such ones but at the same time we are wise to keep our eyes open and to keep on the watch.

2 corinthians 11v13,14-for such men are false apostles,deceitful workers,transforming themselves into apostles of christ.And no wonder for satan himself keeps transforming himself into an angel of light.
In my old Youth Group

When I was youth group age (now 25 in college / careers),
we dealt with deception in real life.

We had a few guys from the local high school attend our Wed. night services. They attended under the guise that they wanted to come to know Christ. We did everything for them. We prayed with them, played with them, sang with them. We took them into our family. Then, when summer camp time came around, we took up collections to pay for their admittance into camp. We were glad to have them. About the 3rd night of camp, they were caught smoking pot behind temple and were influencing 2 other people from our group as well.

It really deterred us. It started alot of discord within our group, because alot of us had made friends with them.

Always be sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Although we are all willing to give any and everyone a chance to come in communion with us, we should also be discerning. Never should we turn anyone away, but we should be careful not to let the tricks of the enemy deter us from our calling and our great commission. Deceptive influence tends to spread like a plague, and we should all stay in the Word and walk with the Lord, so that when deception shows itself, we know how to deal with it and deal with it in love.

God Bless,
Deception come's in many form's ! The most dangerous is an envious and jealous Christian ! Those who try to covet the flock for their own stature . Instead of leading the flock to the fullness of the Lord ! These are the biggest deciever's ! Mike :computer:
Sparky I agree with you also that we need to "stay on top" of the situation. And what better way to do that is to Pray and ask Father God for decernment. God Bless