The Holy Spirit is greater then any problems we can have. Even the worst mental disorders. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self control. These attributes are the Spirit working in your life. In surrendering to the Spirit we can be set free as He overcomes our flesh. Continue to love the poor and marginalized as this is the path right to Gods heart. For example get some $10 or $15 gift cards and print out the good news. Make up care packages for the homeless. You can put in things like treats, new socks, toiletries etc. Then go to the city and give them out to the homeless you find. You will feel so blessed and feel Gods love and compassion moving you. This is my best advice and of course stay in Gods Word. I read Scriptures aloud as I find it helps ground me in the truth. God bless you girl. You got this. Rely on the Holy Spirit and His steength. Also Chris Tomlin music I highly recommend. He calms and soothes anxious hearts. The Spirit loves Chris Tomlin and you will feel God being exalted in you as you are Gods vessel. I hope this makes sense.