Bluehorse, I will be in prayer for you. I went thru a deep depression last year & it was almost consuming. I finally broke & talked to my chiropractor about it (she's a wonderful christian lady). She encouraged me to have a thorough evaluation, which I did. I was experiencing a hormonal imbalance among other things. Once we corrected some inbalances, I was able to sleep better & eat better & the darkness lifted.
I finally confided in some of my friends who prayed intensely for me & I was very careful to be in uplifting company..whether it be people, tv, or music. Nourish yourself with positive influences right now.
I do encourage you to be checked physically. Preferable by someone who doesn't automatically recommend drugs to help. I'm not saying they are bad - in fact they are extremely useful. But too many times, only prescriptions are given to deal with the symptoms when it would be better to correct the problems.
Keep us posted & please PM me if you want to talk privately.