Sister Zoss I remember being young in the Lord myself sis,and at the start of my walk every prayer was indeed desperate! I would tell the Lord would I could not do,i would tell the Lord about my feeling and emotion in present situations,as if he did not know them already. lol Upon doing this for some years,one night as I was again crying out to the Lord to help me,Holy Spirit inside said " Where is your faith?" ( Luke 8:25)
This made me pretty angry! How much do you stay in my Word mark? For confidence comes from showing yourself approved to me.( 2 Tim 2:14-19!) Verse 19 sis!! The Lord knows who are his! I had to learn to put my feeling and emotions away from my flesh sis,because feeling and emotions are for the flesh,not for the Spirit! Doubt is a feeling which comes from a mindset of unbelief. ( Col 3:2) knowing scripture does matter a lot sister!! For it is by the words of Jesus we obtain his peace and righteousness in the first place!( 1 cor 1:30)
I can't do it, is having faith in the feeling of doubt we all can use. And look what doubt gives us sister!! Nothing but hopelessness! When our joy should always be in believing what Jesus has already provided for us!!( rom 15:13) and 2 peter 1:3-11) I could never encourage you sister in the Lord,if I was not first encouraged! The purpose in the first place sis! We must stop thinking and believing what we do not have,and start believing in what our Jesus has already provided, and thank him for it!! His very will for each of us sis!( 1 thess 5:18)
Do we fail and make mistakes? Of course we all do! But failing in life does not make one a failure,believing one is does this! You are NOT a failure sis! You are a conquer!!( rom 8:35-37!) We are not looking for victory through our Jesus anymore sister,we are moving from his victory!! A mindset change is needed for all of us sis! When we start thinking like the new creature we are,( 2 cor 5:17-21) we start acting like the new creature we are! Because our words change as well! We do not speak any longer on our feeling and emotion, we speak what Jesus said for us to speak,hence because we are so loved by our Jesus,then we also obtain his faith he gave us!
example! matt 3:17 notice something here sister,God called Jesus his beloved!! What does beloved mean?( 1 john 4:7,verse 11,verse 17-19!) NO FEAR! because Jesus never gave us fear to start with!( 1 Tim 1:7) And look what the devil omitted saying to Jesus during his temptation!!( matt 4:3!!) he left out the word beloved! Now you know why! Jesus, being God in the flesh could of just said to the enemy I am, that I am,and he would have been correct in doing so,but look at the example Jesus himself gives to all of us!! ( Matt 4:4,Matt 4:7,and Matt 4:10!!) Jesus is our Word sis!!
But we have to speak his word to change both our mindset and our life. I truly believe this is what Jesus in me wants us all to know! My life sure has become different sister!!Thanks to HIM! May this encourage us all to get into and stay into the scripture! The Word is our life sis! I have to have his Word daily! We all do if we are ever going to grow up in him! For to truly understand 1 cor 13:4-8 and John 13:34 for our mindset to become like this,we must also be willing to not stay as a child in our mindset! ( 1 cor 13:11 and 1 cor 13:20)
My hope is that you receive this in the LOVE I truly wished to present this to you! When I was first told this by another brother,I choose to look at this as an attack,and I suffered greatly because of this,please do not make the same mistake I did! It does not matter what others say,it truly only comes down to what we truly believe! May the love of our Jesus always comfort you,and always give you great joy in truly believing!!( ( 2 cor 1:3-7!!)