Hi Sue, I did not make a preferential distinction between ‘F’and ‘f’.... I just meant, ‘the father who spawned the child’... Capitalisations are for our own preferential understanding ... it is not a scriptural difference. I’m not understanding how you thought I meant that ‘God birthed him’... the context warranted flesh from flesh birth... there are only two Spirit-Flesh CREATIONS:
- Adam, and
- Jesus
And certainly they are neither described as ‘Fathered by God’. We use the terms:
- Created (Spirit given)
- Sentient: Angels, Man, Animals
but obviously ‘Dust’, rocks, water, air, fire, etc... are non-sentient creations
- Pro-Creation (Flesh from Flesh)
Angels are created being with sentient abilities... Animals have very limited sentiency. Man has “a little less than the angels - for a while!”
Both man and animals Procreate of their own...
- SPIRIT does not procreate
- Angels, are Spirits, and do not procreate ...
- God, the Father, is Spirit and does not Procreate...
That’s just to let you know that I know what I’m saying... it’s unfortunate that my understanding wasn’t made clear(er) in the post. If you want to know about the Nephilims... understand that the demon angels did not ‘procreate’. They CREATED a body for themselves and PUT their OWN spirit (themselves) into those bodies to enliven them... that’s why when they were ‘destroyed’, it was the ‘body’ that was destroyed... their spirit... went to ‘jail’! And notice that the creation of Adam involved an inert, un-enlivened BODY creation INTO WHICH God blew the breath of life - and then:
- ‘The man BECAME a living soul’
So, now you should understand who God was speaking to when he said, ‘Let us make man in our image’.
Notice that it was ‘GOD’ who made man in his own image... not the ‘us’ image... The ANGELS made the body (which is just flesh, a closure, an enclosure, a device, a mechanism) for the sentient Spirit to make use of. The spirit acts to maintain the body and use it to perform all things it deems possible in line with the physical laws of the created world. The spirit desires at all normal times to protect the body it is enclosed in from harm (not always successfully!!) but also restrains it from possibilities that are within scope of its ability. That is why Jesus often got exasperated at why some people could not do things ... he got around it by offering them ‘Faith’ that the thing could be achieved...(with help from the Holy Spirit of God).
But enough of background stuff!
Yes, I didn’t see anything about the order of birth of Abraham and his sibling nor if any sinned....
and sue, that is why I asked the question.
Are you to say to me that I shouldn’t ask a question because you don’t have an answer... or you don’t think it’s relevant?
No... not everyone knows has an answer - but then, SOMEONE might. There are those who study deeper and more diligently than others on SPECIFIC matters ... if they are on this forum then fantastic, let them answer - but don’t say it is irrelevant because YOU don’t know or care!!
I was (am) compiling a list... I see a pattern. I want to extend the list if it’s possible.
Are you trying at shaming me for ‘Searching the Scriptures’? Putting me down for ‘Just Asking’?