This video on youtube has been circulating through myWhen 15-year-old Hannah Jordan posted a profane rant on Facebook complaining about her parents' habit of making her do after-school chores, she figured her father would never see it. However, as he told her later—via a YouTube video viewed about 28 million times—that's not altogether possible when your father works in IT.Tommy Jordan of Albemarle, N.C., responded to his daughter's Facebook post with an 8-minute, 23-second rebuttal that culminated in him shooting the girl's laptop nine times with a handgun. "I hope it was all worth this," he says.The YouTube post struck a nerve with many viewers. Some were horrified that a father would take such an extreme step to communicate with his child—and wonder exactly what sort of values he's communicating. Others reacted with something akin to joy." It is both disturbing and so deeply satisfying that you can't watch it without reliving every fantasy you've ever had about hurling one of your teen's gadgets out a window or under a car after they've used it to ignore you or deceive you, or distract themselves from something they're supposed to do," wrote Susanna Schrobsdorff of Time. The episode brings into stark focus how trying the teen years can be for teens and their parents—and how tricky it can be for either actually to talk through any problems with the other.
school to the point where my American Government teacher
even showed the video and asked the class to debate on
whether the father was using good judgment. What I want
to do here is have other teens discuss this. I wouldn't recommend
seeing the video because of the language in it, but
I would like to hear your biblical viewpoints on his parenting.
Here are some questions to consider to help in the discussion:
- Would Jesus have done the same with a child?
- How do you think the child would react to this video being seen by millions of people? Would she have learned a lesson, or would it cause a greater rift in their relationship?
- Think about how you are disciplined. Does it help or hurt you?
- Do you know of alternatives to shooting her laptop that would have aided in discipline?
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