I've seen a few movies relative to the so-called Rapture. They all omit a very showy
portion of that future event wherein 2,000 years of Christians will return from death
to join those living so that everyone together can ascend to meet Christ up in the
sky all at one time.
We're talking about an event wherein Christians won't just vanish at the snap of the
fingers like Hollywood typically portrays the Rapture, but instead the entire scene
will be an activity easily observed by everyone all 'round the globe as millions of
Christians of all ages, races, and genders evacuate the earth like a human Oort
I expect quite a few Christians will be taken up from interior locations like office
buildings, factories, mines, garages, homes, hospitals, schools, vehicles, and malls,
etc. Nobody will bump their heads on the way out because, according to John 20:19
and John 20:26, He who created all things can easily manipulate the structure of
solid objects to allow the human body to pass thru unimpeded.
Point being: I can't help but wonder about the effect this event is going to have
upon anti rapturers; especially when 2,000 years of deceased Christians suddenly
make an appearance alive seemingly out of nowhere.