We as christians are called to stand on the Word of God. We are to seek His face and do all that we know to do in prayer and supplication. Sometimes we are called to fast. To speak the scriptures in faith.
But the bottom line is HE IS LORD, and HE IS SOVEREIGN.
He calls us to our best and He will do the rest. But sometime in HIS ultimate wisdom He chooses not to heal. Or so we think, maybe ultimate healing is to be absent from our bodies and to be in HIS presence. We all have to realise we can only do so much, than we have to trust HIM for the rest.
I have had problems with cyst on my ovaries since I was 18. The first time I was not saved and had to have surgery. Since than I was healed once and was so blessed not to need surgory.
Than in 1990 I was not healed and needed the surgrey, I couldn't understand it. But when all was said and done and when I look back on it. God knew I was going to need this time off from work for other problems that arose. In HIS ultimate wisdom HE knew this a head of time and made a way for this.
Just 2 years ago I again needed surgery and this time I was just going with the flow and was not going to ask God for healing this time. Mike was in total disagreement with me and said as head of this house I am praying for this healing, this is not where God wants us. A few weeks later a friend at church asked me why I wasn't praying for a healing and said she felt lead to pray for me. I felt lead that day to say Lord I need this healing for my family.
2 weeks before the surgrey Mike said call the Dr. and ask for a new ultrasound. Do I need to tell you when that tech did the ultra sound, she said, what cyst? I said the big one. She said you don't have any cyst! She left the room and checked the film from a few months earlier, than came back in the room and said I diffently saw what you were talking about, but there is nothing there now! The Lord once again had healed me. I am grateful for the faith my husband had to carry me through when I was going to lye down and accept it, and for my friend who the Lord encouraged to pray for me and to remind me what the Word says.
We can only do what He has called us to do and trust Him to do what is best for us. We should never give satan a strong hold in our lives.
Love your sister in Christ,
AlabasterBox :girl: