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SignUp Now!does smoking cigarettes hinder a christian walk with god.
Yes it does becuase we are to present our bodies as living sacrifices holy and acceptable to God also it hurts our witness God breathed the breath of life into us why should we smoke and taint our very breath,? Also smoking is like practicing for when your in hell God gave me that one and all this knowlege yet i still smoke why i have no idea but i'm made of flesh but Gid told me how to be deliverd I have to fast a whole day on nothng but water and pray and meditate and he will set me free from it of course i can't smoke either i can only have water . btw ice cold water takes the craving of nicotine away
Smoking is an addiction. An addiction no different than cocain use, alcoholism, pornography etc. Yet believers do their best to try and squeak by because unlike the aforementioned addictions, smoking is publicly accepted. Trust me, if they ever legalized cocain, there'd be a thread asking if you could do lines and still be saved. If ketchup had HALF the carcinogens and toxins as cigarettes, it'd be illegal. There are no weekend cigarette smokers. How can you claim to have given yourself wholly to God yet reserve the one bastion of the flesh? For some it takes time, for others it's instaneous. But the mindset must be that is unhealthy, that it controls your body (think about when you havent had one for hours) and thus battles for control with the Holy Spirit. At the very least a Christian should want to stop smoking because it makes you look like the world. We have to present our bodies as living sacrifices. If you, a smoker, can say to someone "Hey, God saved me, changed me, except for the the cigarettes" how much change is there really? I decry Charles Spurgeon, profound apologist though he was, for saying that he "smoked to the glory of God". How carnal, how disgusting. So long as we are in the flesh, we can live holy, separate lives by abstaining from things that our flesh doesnt NEED to survive. (And before anyone takes it on a humorous tangent, I'm not talking about ice cream or fatty foods). The fact that there are more smoking related deaths than almost any other ought to cast SERIOUS aspersion on the idea that God could ever sanction such a practice. *Disclaimer: I used to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, plus cigars and other drugs. It didnt happen for me overnight, but I always felt it was at odds with my faith* :shade:
Do you consider coffee to be wrong too? How about alcohol? RC Colas and Moon Pies?
What an ignoble and smallminded comment. If there is someone who is legitimately addicted to moonpies, I'd like to meet them. They probably have an issue with their weight. But yours, unfortunately, is a sad strawman argument. When snacks and sodas cause emphyzema, lung, throat and mouth cancer; when the number of people dying from imbibing cola is in the hundreds of thousands, when people sincerely seek prescriptions and help to quit, when you can be in the SAME ROOM as someone eating a moonpie and suffer the same malady, then MAYBE, you'll have a point. SMH. Childish.
See you didn't like my humor:shock:
Have you ever heard of caffeine adiction?
What about alcohol?
Is it wrong to just smoke a pipe after meals?
No one appreciates humor more than me, my friend. I just dont think something that kills so many people is funny. Besides, Starbucks hasnt killed anyone that I know of. We can go back and forth all day in love but it's a proven fact that nicotine is a drug. Coupled with the fact that the word in Revelation nine for 'sorceries' (pharmakia) is the word we from which we get pharmacy and thus 'drug', and never means a medicinal application, no honest person can make a scriptural argument for allowing a person to smoke.
I have heard of caffeine addiction but I think it's overblown and a little psychosomatic.
Unlike smoking, scripture has lots to say about alcohol. While the Bible never tells us "thou shalt not drink" it has far more to say about the negative aspects of imbibing than the positive. It can become a stronghold even with the most careful person and in this Christian walk the fewer footholds we give the devil, the better. My wife and used to drink wine every now and again. But since it was presented to us like that (and not from a legalistic stanpoint but from the standpoint of wanting to make sure we give no place to the devil) we havent had a drop.
As to the rightness or wrongness of pipe smoking...thats between you and God. I tend to think as a society pipe smoking is seen as quaint, certainly anachronistic but it isnt any safer than cigarette smoking. The pleasure of smoking after a meal cannot be denied. But I renew my original contentions that it is 1. worldly and thus not for the saint 2. Lethal and thus not for anyone. You can't convince me that were it available in the first century that the disciples or Christ would have smoked. Anything they'd abstain from is something I'll abstain from. You can't convince me that you can honestly call yourself HOLY and smoke. And the scripture tells us that without holiness no man shall see God. The simple fact is if youre addicted to anything, it's wrong. Btw, no hard feelings. :wink:
I tend disagree others when it comes to focussing on carnal things and neglecting things of greater importance like spiritual growth.
Who's holiness are you refering to? Our holiness is carnal if it is based on refraining from alcohol and tobacco, There are plenty of people who do this yet are not holy in God's eyes. Ghandi is a good example. Our holiness comes from the same place our righteousness comes from, which is Christ.
What an ignoble and smallminded comment.
Scripture does tell us to walk in the spirit and we wont fulfill the lusts of the flesh. So with my stand its important that you know that it is the desire to walk in the spirit that obviates the forsaking of the things of the flesh and not the other way around.