While listening to a Christian radio station
here in the sunny beach town of New Smyrna Beach,
the two broadcasters were talking about someone's
latest book on godly parenting when something
struck my mind, and I immediately stopped what I
was doing to hear.
For parents on this site, I can tell you that
this is true. We remember more when you
insult us, we remember how we were disciplined.
When our ears hear encouragement more
than anger filled words, we grow up more with
Hope this was as read as it was for me. xoxo
here in the sunny beach town of New Smyrna Beach,
the two broadcasters were talking about someone's
latest book on godly parenting when something
struck my mind, and I immediately stopped what I
was doing to hear.
Children are like wet cement. The things you say
to a child now can impact their life forever.
If you wait too long, you will need a hammer and
chisel to get through them. And when they become
adults, you will need dynamite. Take the time
now to compliment and encourage them more than
you discipline them. Tell them often, "Your God's gift
to me, your becoming a fine man/woman, that is
such a great talent, please show me what you did
again it was impressive, etc."
For parents on this site, I can tell you that
this is true. We remember more when you
insult us, we remember how we were disciplined.
When our ears hear encouragement more
than anger filled words, we grow up more with
Hope this was as read as it was for me. xoxo