- Joined
- Sep 27, 2018
- Messages
- 15
I used to be so uncomfortable when others saw me fail. As a child I was mostly in my own world my parents worked a lot and my mother and father had so many internal issues they never voiced out. One thing God has showed me is He is strategic as to how and when He reveals Himself to us. For the most part it's in the midst of brokenness and emptiness. Do you know why? Because emptiness can be filled with Him. In my season of God emptying me of myself and all the pain I carried all I felt was fear,confusion and insecurities. But when He brought me to the bottom just when I thought I was broken with no repair I cried out for God to change me even if I died from the transformation. He allowed me to come to the end of myself to truly see Him in the power of his resurrection and redemption from the Cross. If I had to do it all over again I would do it because His life in me increases daily and I must decrease for me to be a new creation.