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Jan 4, 2007
Recently I've been feeling sort of empty. I don't feel as happy as I should. In Christ we're supposed to be joyous and full. But lately I feel useless and not very joyous. Sometimes it's like I don't deserve to be happy. It feels like I'm becoming more distant from God. Then getting close but I havent stopped praying. I wonder why do I feel this way?
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Perhaps you need a re-filling from God. We all have dry seasons. We go through different seasons. The joy of the Lord is our strength according to Nehemiah 8.10.

We are let down by our feelings which is the reason we are not to rely on feelings. We walk by faith and not by sight.

We are saved by grace we don't deserve it just as we don't deserve mercy but Jesus gives them to us. Why? Because He loves us so much. He died because of His great love for us.

Spend time alone with God read His Word and ask Him to reveal Himself more to you. Talk to Him like you talk to a friend. He is that friend who sticks closer than a brother.

God bless and keep your eyes on Jesus and not on your circumstances. Listen to good Christian music too.

LLJ :love: :rainbow: :rose:
Sure cure for that?
Just start singing a song from your heart. Force yourself to sing to HIm.Worship HIM.
Then , You will see? HE will fill you with LOVE!

Another thing is go bless someone. call them or whatever . lift them up.
Funny? when we bless others we get blessed. reaping and receiving!

Neat how we give to others , then we get! I love it. never fails!
Our motives must be out of LOVE!

BLESS you , I pray FATHER GOD yopu will bless this person with GREAT JOY , put yopur arms around them and LOVE them , in the MIGHTY NAME OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST! thank You LORD!:love:
Recently I've been feeling sort of empty. I don't feel as happy as I should. In Christ we're supposed to be joyous and full. But lately I feel useless and not very joyous. Sometimes it's like I don't deserve to be happy. It feels like I'm becoming more distant from God. Then getting close but I havent stopped praying. I wonder why do I feel this way?

Take it from an old man who's been around awhile, the advice to spend more time in worship is good advice for it is through worship that we enter into His presence. I try to turn my will and my life over to the Lord on a daily basis. I'd like to say that I DO it every day, but, that would be a bald-faced lie.

To do this, I must begin with a period of meditation (a moment or two at least) to get in touch with Who and What He is. When I've gotten in touch with the fact that He is the Almighty Creator of the Entire Universe and yet, He still promises to never leave me or forsake me, an understanding of His awesomness begins to build up in me and I get excited.

When you begin your day, read and meditate on Psalm 8. Meditating on that psalm will get your mind moving in the direction of thinking about God's holiness, majesty, power, and love. And, as you continue your meditation, you will find yourself getting excited, worshipping Him profusely and coming closer and closer to Him.

James 4:8 says it very plainly, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." But, it starts with a decision to draw near despite what our emotions are telling us.

madam there must be something... A cause of this unhapiness. find out what it is and you'll be on track. this will give you ideas. i in no way think that this has to do with your consistency with the Lord. But never give up in prayers because we never do know what could be the source of your issue.
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