First of all, I want to say a big thank you to everybody who has prayed for me and/or written a post to me during this past week.
It has not been an easy week for me but I want to tell you what happened to me this afternoon. Hopefully, this will give you all a 'feel good factor'.
This afternoon I thought about God and within a split second of thinking about him, my stomach did one of those flips - you know, the kind that you have when you are excited!!!!!!
Now that might seem silly to you that I have even written it, but for me, that was progress and was very significant.
Yes, Lord thank you for dear sister Sadeyes!
I'm happy that you are exited.
And I thank you for sharing.
Your testimony means a lot for me and for everybody here at Talkjesus.
Upon reflection dear sister you forgot to mention that through coming to Talk Jesus and seeking help you have now given your heart to Jesus. He led you here so that you could have a personal relationship with Him. He will help you in your daily walk with Him and you can learn and grow a lot more through the different forums on this site too.
Please make sure you apply Ephesians 6.10 by putting on the armour of God each day as it is our protection from the enemy.
Learn to adapt an attitude of gratitude to God by thanking Him for each new day. Thank Him for being your provider. We need to remain thankful for everything He does for us. How He died for us. Continue thanking Him daily for dying for You. He loves to hear us talking to Him.
God loves you sister. I'm glad He has led you here and you have opened your heart to Christ Jesus. That's the most important decision a person can make in his or her lifetime, to accept Jesus Christ.