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Faith Healing


Nov 5, 2004
What are your views on this subject?
I watch the God Channel on Cable TV and I must
say I have received the Word from some of the
preaching on it, but there is this one preacher
he's called The Man Of God I can't remember his name
but he breathes on the people who need healed which
they say is God's breath, they then fall down on the floor
and when they get up they are healed they jump up and down
and praise God and are as you can imagine, so so joyous
I'm not sure how to take this, do I believe it, I don't know
have any of you saw it?
Why isn't this man world known? because these are
miracles if people are being healed aren't they?
What say you?
Its good to be careful of what we say (or judge) about such people. Some are legita and then some frauds. Sometimes it can be difficult to discern these things but always ask GOD for discernment and wisdom. There are many that I think are fraud, but I won't care to say so out loud because I'm no top judge after all.

For me, its all about my local church, my bible and faith in GOD above all :)
Maureen said:
What are your views on this subject?
I watch the God Channel on Cable TV and I must
say I have received the Word from some of the
preaching on it, but there is this one preacher
he's called The Man Of God I can't remember his name
but he breathes on the people who need healed which
they say is God's breath, they then fall down on the floor
and when they get up they are healed they jump up and down
and praise God and are as you can imagine, so so joyous
I'm not sure how to take this, do I believe it, I don't know
have any of you saw it?
Why isn't this man world known? because these are
miracles if people are being healed aren't they?
What say you?
..It is never a man that "heals" only the Holy Spirit can do that if the person claims that "they" heal they are a fraud.If God gets the glory dont worry about it after all its "by His stripes that we are healed".
To take nothing away from this preacher,
he does it in the Lords name and he is a lovely
man of God, and I do not mean to judge, God Forbid
but many I have seen been prayed over in my
own church (the one I used to go) they were
anointed with the oil and the Pastor prayed
while an Elder applied the oil, but nothing came
about, I know it all is in the Lord's time, but
you can't help wondering, I know everyone gets
differant gifts, praise God, and thank him.
I won't get into this too much as it is in the Lords
hands who he heals.
Maureen said:
To take nothing away from this preacher,
he does it in the Lords name and he is a lovely
man of God, and I do not mean to judge, God Forbid
but many I have seen been prayed over in my
own church (the one I used to go) they were
anointed with the oil and the Pastor prayed
while an Elder applied the oil, but nothing came
about, I know it all is in the Lord's time, but
you can't help wondering, I know everyone gets
differant gifts, praise God, and thank him.
I won't get into this too much as it is in the Lords
hands who he heals.

There is also a gift of discernment... the ability to assess and make observations about those who present themselves as "healers" or anything else... discernment is to give you a basis for understanding. It is not judging ... judging has to do with selfishness where you destroy another's character to build up your own. Discernment isn't about you or me ... it's a gift of God to help us determine what is right and wrong so we won't be misled.

Here is my discernment about this preacher .... he's a fraud. Healing in the Bible is NEVER scheduled at times and places (as in evanelistic or other meetings). It is always spirit driven and has one purpose ... to give glory to God. If he is a genuine healer, why is a meeting required for it to happen. Jesus never set up healing meetings ... he responded to people in need on the street and in their homes.

If this preacher really had the gift of healing ... why isn't he out in the neighborhood or in people's homes or in hospitals where there are really sick people. I'll tell you why .... because you can't take up an offering in those places. For him and those like him, it's all about money and people are defrauded of there hard earned incomes by his healing hoax.

Don't be suckered in by these people... they are a disgrace to true believers. The fact that he claims to do it "in the Lord's name" makes it even worse: implicating the Lord in his deception is disgusting. Paul in Colosians warns against being caught up in these things (fine sounding ideas). If this preacher truely had the gift of healing, he wouldn't need a stage to perform it.

Here's another thought .... do doctors have the gift of healing? I have recovered from both colon cancer and a heart attack. In both cases I was hospitalized and had had surgery. I consider the surgeons a gift from God ... God did the healing through the surgeons.
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Amen Pappa
I have read about discernment but wasn't sure about
it's meaning, so thank you for your welcomed enlightenment.
Are you refering to both Preachers, the one of TV and in the
Church? I take it to mean you are, and I must say I tend to
agree with you on this, not all have the same gifts, as said in
God's word, all are differant, I do know the Church Pastor
didn't have the gift of translating 'tongues' so he ordered that
among the congregation it was not to be done, there was only
2 ladies that were gifted with it, in the whole of the church
and the previous Pastor was able to translate it,
I know the Lord Jesus had his reasons for me not returning to
it I do know he's leading me, to something else,
I think I may have found my early morning Church
as my son and daughter in law joined me yesterday (Sunday)
which I was delighted with, so if it means they will get to
hear God's word preached then so be it, Amen.
I keep on praying for my unsaved husband and I know in the
Lords time all things come together, but not in our time.
Pappa thank you for your reply and knowledge much welcomed
Godbless you with wisdom always.
Hi Pappa,

I think you are being a bit harsh in your judgement. I do not know the man you are talking about but I do believe that some people have a gift of healing as mentioned in the New Testament. (1 Corinthians 12:9)

Crowds thronged to Jesus for healing and deliverance. People even gave hankerchiefs and aprons to Paul so that he could touch them, and when the items were returned to the sick people they were healed. (Acts 19:11&12) Now that is pretty wild!

I don't think you can say for certain that healings are never scheduled, as simply as that. Healings happened whenever Jesus was available for the crowd. People cannot be available 24 hours a day, so they have to organise their time - time to eat, to sleep, time to do other things, etc, even time to minister healing!

It is a sad fact that money-hungry, false teachers are out there, but I don't believe that everyone who has a healing ministry is a false, deceiving person. We DO need to use our spiritual discernment though, which can be developed through Bible reading. See Hebrews 5:14

It is also sad that not everyone you pray for will be healed. This may be confusing, but don't let it stop you from praying! "The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." See James 5:15-16.

pappa said:
There is also a gift of discernment... the ability to assess and make observations about those who present themselves as "healers" or anything else... discernment is to give you a basis for understanding. It is not judging ... judging has to do with selfishness where you destroy another's character to build up your own. Discernment isn't about you or me ... it's a gift of God to help us determine what is right and wrong so we won't be misled.

Here is my discernment about this preacher .... he's a fraud. Healing in the Bible is NEVER scheduled at times and places (as in evanelistic or other meetings). It is always spirit driven and has one purpose ... to give glory to God. If he is a genuine healer, why is a meeting required for it to happen. Jesus never set up healing meetings ... he responded to people in need on the street and in their homes.

If this preacher really had the gift of healing ... why isn't he out in the neighborhood or in people's homes or in hospitals where there are really sick people. I'll tell you why .... because you can't take up an offering in those places. For him and those like him, it's all about money and people are defrauded of there hard earned incomes by his healing hoax.

Don't be suckered in by these people... they are a disgrace to true believers. The fact that he claims to do it "in the Lord's name" makes it even worse: implicating the Lord in his deception is disgusting. Paul in Colosians warns against being caught up in these things (fine sounding ideas). If this preacher truely had the gift of healing, he wouldn't need a stage to perform it.

Here's another thought .... do doctors have the gift of healing? I have recovered from both colon cancer and a heart attack. In both cases I was hospitalized and had had surgery. I consider the surgeons a gift from God ... God did the healing through the surgeons.

Dear Maureen,

Thank you, sister! I read the scriptures posted in reference to your thread, then read Pappa's post carefully. I have to agree with his firm point of view regarding discernment versus judging The God Channel's gift of healing.

As usual, I always enjoy reading both of your threads/posts and we appreciate your wisdom and counsel to others here at Talk Jesus!
God gets all the glory!

Your brother in Christ Jesus!
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God TV?

I'm not sure, I think I'd rather just not watch these
type of programme, and I won't like to have to wonder
then. There is good study and some lovely stories
told on the God Channel, do any of you watch it at all?
Maureen said:
I'm not sure, I think I'd rather just not watch these
type of programme, and I won't like to have to wonder
then. There is good study and some lovely stories
told on the God Channel, do any of you watch it at all?


I'm not sure either but if your heart just seems to want to turn away from this particular segment on The God Channel then its ok! I am sure that there is a device on your remote that says "mute" or "off". lol!

Out here in San Francisco at my house my wife enjoys watching Pastor Joel Osteen and that is all we or she watches as far a TV evangelism while we are getting ready for church. I feel Pastor Joel is a genuine man of God and if I have a disagreement with his sermon then will respectfully email him.

Hey, you never answered my question regarding the "KJV thread topic" and your church in Ireland.

God Bless you, sister.

Your brother in Christ Jesus.
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This I posted under 'King James Version' Thread,
so I copied it to here, hope that was okay to do.

Sorry Bobinfaith for not getting back sooner,
KJV is usually the only Bible used by Clergy
here, sometimes someone will bring their own
to read from, if they are speaking at the meeting
and it maybe NIV NLT but mostly KJV is the main
one used.
I'm not sure about the NKJV what is the differance
between them both?
I haven't come across anyone using it.
At a church service one time a preacher said that only
the KJV should be used and nothing else,
but I think if other versions help the reader to have
a better understanding of God's Word then I see
absolutly nothing wrong in that.
I think it's a matter of choice.
I have KJV NIV NLT and WWJD this last
one being only the New Testament. I love all versions
but I keep going to the KJV for some unknown reason
and if I get stuck I read it in the others.