Here is "Pure" evil on the highest level of all!
Berean Study Bible(Genesis 3)
“Who told you that you were naked?” asked the LORD God.
"Con you imagine a "CREATURE" made out dirt! Ignoring GOD, and DESPISE the very WORDS that CAME out of a "SOVEREIGN" INFINITE & INCOMPREHENSIBLE BEING
BY DOING SO. The Hawk flew after The BIRD, The WOLF went after The LAMB, The BEAR Devoured The Prey, And The Lightening crack The SKY, and so"DEATH" entered The WORLD.
The Greatest EVIL, every DONE! It was DONE in The GARDEN of EDEN. And A most "HORRIBLE"thing ever recorded in time and ETERNITY to Redeem that
Creature name "ADAM" GOD had to Send HIS ONLY begotten SON into a "HORRIBLE" And Corrupted WORLD that HAD THE STENCH of DEATH that even a GOD had never SMELL or experience.
Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, so also death was passed on to all men, because all sinned.
For sin was in the world before the law was given; but sin is not taken into account when there is no law. Nevertheless, death reigned from Adam until Moses, even over those who did not sin
in the way that Adam transgressed. He is a pattern of the One to come.…
New American Standard Bible
Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and
death through sin, and
so death spread to all mankind, because all sinned—
PS .......... IT was A terrible thing For JESUS to come into a SIN Sick world and Die a HORRIBLE and experience DEATH for all MANKIND! Good For us "HORRIBLE For HIM" But His FATHER is Going to make it up to HIM, on That "CORONATION DAY"! When HIS FATHER gives Him "The GIFT".
I cannot wait to see it, What The FATHER is GOING to GIVE The SON! MY MY MY MY , what a day, what a day that will be!
New International Version
If only you TRULY Knew what that meant! I almost lost my mind. when GOD poured The REVELATION into MY SOUL!
I remember one time I told GOD , Don't show me nothing else, i ain't going to read your BOOK no more! Don't show me NOTHING! He didn't listen to me,
I tried to hide! The BOOK was in me! LOL! "That Dog didn't HUNT" hehehe! He is a GREAT FATHER!
I have not taught no one, "I POINTED"! For I am a "Pointer" HE is over there, don't ask me, ask HIM! I ain't your GOD! Many have thank me. For pointing and being so bold, they would tell me they cried when i would get through with them, Go tell their wives how i talked to them, Cuss me out behind my back and study so hard to prove me wrong. Then come back for more, when they said, I ain't talking to you no more! We laugh unto we cry. I turn them over to GOD, HE created you, He will teach you, because He said HE would and HE don't LIE!
Calling me up asking me something about the BIBLE or GOD! You dig it out, you got everything you need, and I know you got it, because i made sure you got it! So leave me alone. I hang up the phone, bye!
AND They have thank me after times has past. Those old pastor use to make me cry too! They Told me to get it. And if a stuttered, they stop me cold! Go Back and Get it right! For you green as s___. I went back in tears and praying hard. And when I approach That Podium. I am going to Approach it right and know what i am talking about "Scripted" Hot of The WIRE, "SYSTEMATICALLY" and 'unScripted"! 10 MINUTES, 15 MINUTES, 30 MINUTES, 1 HOUR. WHAT EVER THE OCCASION CALLS FOR. "I took up speech classes in regular college and "Poetry" and use the "BIBLE" but change some of the words to use in my public appearances, LOL ! They love it and I got all A plus, I was giving them JESUS and they love it. "Rose of Sharron" "Lilly of The VALLEY" "Channel Number 5" " breast like Pomegranate" " let her Buxom satisfy you at all times' " her lips smoother than oil" The teachers love me! They did not know all that stuff was in the BIBLE! Now why would you embrace a strange women" I did take up speech, and i learn to speak poetry "Like Michelangelo Painted Picture" Like "Ezekiel" Preach to the people of GOD, Like "AMBROSE" preached to "AUGUSTINE" and (
A comprehended god is no god.
Slander is worse than cannibalism.
No one can harm the man who does himself no wrong.
Hell is paved with priest skulls
My soul is lace with men like this, "AutoBiographies" how they live and the fire they came under, "Huss" KNOX" " LUTHER", POLYCARP, ATHANASIUS, AUGUSTINE, Thomas Aquinas know as
"Doctor Angelicus",TYNDALE, and JOHN CALVIN better know as
"The Theologian" WHITFIELD, EDWARDS, G CAMPBELL MORGAN and a host More, what a life they lived and Proclaiming "The GOSPEL ACCORDING to JESUS CHRIST" and not according how they saw it. But how JESUS proclaim it Bold and to the point of death.
The Proclamation of
"The GOSPEL ACCORDING TO JESUS CHRIST" ain't no JOKE! It takes a lot of praying, and lot of studying, a lot of "MEDITATING' and a lot of memorization of The BIBLE, and READING The BIBLE so it has become a part of YOU!
You have to learn how to follow the "HOLY SPIRIT" and know the Difference in your spirit and the "HOLY SPIRIT" and OTHER "SPIRITS' a good "spirit" is not "The HOLY SPIRIT" a feel good spirit os not "THE Holy SPIRIT" it takes years to follow the HOLY Spirit in Your writings in your speaking, in your lecturing and in your "PREACHING". The HOLY SPIRT teaches us which way to speak and how to speak it. on different occasion. It Always agree with the WORD of GOD so while you are speaking you are searching the SCRIPTURES at the same time, whether the things you are speaking is in agreement with THE WORD Of GOD, YOUR "SPIRITUAL mind scans the whole BIBLE in a Twinkling of an eye. And if you have not but the whole bible in you, how can it scan what is not in you! And if the bible is in you, only in parts it only scans what you have in parts. And other voices that does not identify with the "WORD of GOD" is not the "SPIRIT" of GOD. You might think it is! "Emily POST" is not the "SPIRIT of The LIVING GOD" and it takes no Lessons from her! And he does not read her "etiquette" books.
Berean Study Bible(John 16)
However, when the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth.
For He will not speak on His own, but He will speak
what He hears, and He will declare to you what is to come.
John 14:26
But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit,
whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things
and will remind you
if you have not Read what The "WORD of GOD" has ssid, it ain't in you You make have the SPIRIT in YOU But Not The WORD OF GOD in you!
New King James Version
Then I said, ‘Behold, I have come— In the volume of the book it is written of Me— To do Your will, O God.’ ”
Ezekiel 2:9
Then I looked and saw a hand reaching out to me, and in it was a scroll,
Ezekiel 3:1
"Son of man," He said to me
, "eat what you find here. Eat this scroll,
then go and speak to the house of Israel."