I don't know what the microdot or jotted dot means. My best guess is that whoever posted is saying that he does too "know dot jot". My experience with Stephen King is not unlimited, unfortunately I had an English teacher in High School who I could absolutely not stand as a personality, and she posted Read Stephen King bulletin boards. She wasn't the sharpest tack in the box, and her attitude to Stephen King as a writer was that it was average at best, she could think of to say about someone reading his books was "at least he's reading something". Stephen King is better than that. What I admire about him in so far as I've read some of his books is the way he forgets double meanings and strives to convey the human reality of really horrifying hellish things that happen and conveys how real the people are that they happen to. I have a copy of one of his books, I have 11/22/63. It's really hard to get started talking to people seriously in that vein, not about the murder, a person coming in like I am should be smart enough about morals and sobriety to just keep trying and know when to move on if that's the agenda. It's the time travel theme, there are both perfectly good grammatical and secretarial reasons to just open your mouth and start talking about time travel as in King's 11/22/63 exactly and precisely as if it happens in literal reality.
The problem I have with it is that I got totally stuffed through the worst Natural Science "Common Core" requirements ever, and I can't just get started on a conversation in the style of the paperback I have, because it's not social.
No, I'm not claiming to "know too much". Knowing Einstein isn't knowing anything at all. When I've finished refuting the fool, I'll be able to enlighten people. That won't be knowing too much either, everyone knows that Einstein is false. But it will cause me to be able to clear the air.