Thank you so much Hekuran,
I cannot move away from them as we all work together in close contact. Also the attacks happen when I'm at home (they have been for over 18 months now) but not as half as bad since I've been saved.
This is my purpose, to enlighten those who worship false gods, of their fate, through the Glory of God as his witness. That they can be forgiven if they repent of their sins and give their lives to Jesus Christ to be born again. To show them the Mighty Powers He has (by them seeing how God has saved me from the dreadful evil they were doing to me which nearly cost me my life), to show them they have no chance against His Powers, that they will be punished severely for all the awful things they have done; worshiping false gods, witchcraft, magic and other things that they know are evil indeed. These are the highest evil powers known to man.
But this afternoon while trying to find some peace with it all I came across Romans 12:19, Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, "vengeance is mine, I will repay" says the Lord.
That gave me a huge sense of relief and have now remembered that, as you said, I have to forgive them immediately and pray for their hearts and minds to be healed, amen.
It meant so much to me that you took the time out to help me, to connect with me. Thank you Hekuran.