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Micah C

Jul 8, 2008
I have friends that believe in God, some are Christian, Some aren't, but still believe in god, some are lukewarm and some don't believe in him at all, but don't talk badly about him. And I am very confused about what to do because don't want to go into high school being in the wrong crowd ( religion wise ). I spend time with my Christian friends just as much as do with all my other friends ( mostly do to the fact that we all spend time with each other ) . I was just wondering if there is anybody else that is going threw this same situation or has gone threw this situation before. I need advise on what to do and I know the bible Said that bad company corrupts good character, but i don't really feel that they are bad company... What should I do???
Greetings Micah C,

there is a big difference between believing in God, and believing in Jesus. I know that people can argue over this, but those who say they believe in God, including those who profess to be Christian, can not know Him without first knowing Jesus Christ as a personal friend and saviour... as Lord and God.

So deciding about friends based on what they do or do not think about God, is reasonably pointless.

It is Jesus who you must seek. In my time as a Christian, when I meet another Christian, we connect, via Him, Jesus Christ the Lord. He draws His own together, and binds them in His Love, as brothers and sisters in Him. This fellowship in Jesus is quite diffferent from the usual friend relationship that we see all around us.

It's a bit like going to a room, full of people, all speaking different languages.... you would walk around until you heard the language that you recognise.... from there, you could enter into conversation, and be understood, as well as understand what it is that is being said.

Christianity is a different language. I suggest you don't so much look for friends, but talk the talk, in your life and your words, and listen for others who do likewise. Don't limit yourself to age groups either.

Let the Lord guide you as His own, to others who are also His own.

Bless you ....><>

Br. Bear
Greetings brother Micah, as I read your post, one thing jumps out at me. If you have friends that are not saved but are open about the Lord, you may very well be God's way of reaching them. Pray to the Lord for guidence and direction. All of us have a ministry to fulfill for the Lord, yours may be right in front of you. I will be praying for you as well my friend.

In Christ,

Yes, Micah C,

please listen to what Ncdataman (NC) has said to you here. It is a very valid and true point. You do not need to be at all concerned about if others will infect you, but rather, that you infect them with the wonderful love of Jesus Christ, who gave His life for them, that they may believe in Him and have everlasting, eternal life.

Shine on brother, shine on, in Jesus name ....><>

Bless you
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Somewhere along the way, you will discover it's the name of Jesus that incites people into making a decision. However you decide to treat your friends, do so in a manner that even if they reject the name of Jesus, they continue to speak well of you as a person.

Doors will open and doors will close throughout life. Accept what you cannot change and if necessary, move on. Never be resentful of those who reject the Gospel. Jesus and Paul in Scripture give examples of both good and bad treatment. Phil 4:8.

all of those make a lot of sense and thank you all for advising me god bless you all
Please dont worry.
If you personaly believe or want to know more about God then you have your Christian friend who will have no problem sharing their beliefs with you.
If you're not ready for a relationship wuth God yet then dont worry.
Friends are friends because of who they are to you!
religion should'nt come into it.

Good luck at high school I hope it all goes well.

God Bless