I believe God created this plant. It is good, economically and medically (it's used to treat many health disorders), because it was DESIGNED that way (manmade drugs, those are another story).If you use discipline and follow the teachings of Christ by faith, you are in his will.
Well said Bill.
It amazes me how many Christians will take
'manmade' drugs, using anti-depressants, nerve pills etc, without any qualms, (antidepressants are now being black labeled because they can cause the user to be suidcidal), fill their bellies with poisons ( sugar is poison to the human body in all forms except natural, barbequed meats put more tar in the body than anything inhaled, just to mention a few) and yet label plants that God created and who Himself said "it is good," (Gen 1:31) as sinful.
In reference to 1 Cor 3:16, meat and drink do not destroy the temple of God, but for those who wish to use this scripture, best to examine what you yourself are injesting.
I should add that because of sin, man no longer lives in a perfect world. Man lives in a fallen state, and tho one day we will have glorified bodies, as yet we are not. Hence I take issue with those who say we should need nothing else beside God to live in this world. Tho it certianly sounds like a righteous and a desirable state to attain, it is without scriptural basis. Come out of the prayer closet, and tell me you are not hungry. Suffer thru some human malady, and tell me you need nothing to help you cope, spirit filled or not.
In truth emotional suffering is every bit as painful as physical suffering, and we don`t think twice before allowing relief in one form or another for physical pain.
Sin creates much human misery, and God created all things for our use, including those things which relax, and provide relief for the body and mind.
His Word says to do all things in moderation. (Phi 4:5)
I do not use weed, (or the many plants in use that are very similiar in nature to it) nor am I trying to promote its use in any form, however I am a strong advocate for what is TRUTH, and for this cause I do not adhere to the worlds knowledge and understanding on these subjects, but to the uncontested Word of God. The people of God err when we let public opinion dictate what is right and wrong for us as His people. This world does not have the knowledge or the wisdom of God, nor shall it ever.