Going Home
By K. A. Graaf
When this life is over and I take my last breath,
I will go home and enter into His peace and rest.
Jesus will stand at the gates of Heaven and welcome me inside,
His arms will embrace me into Everlasting Life.
I have thought about that very moment when Jesus stands before me,
But in the mean time I’m caught between this earthly dream and Heavens reality.
Hope bursts inside of me like a million butterflies taking flight,
When I think of how incredible it will be when we are all caught up to meet Him in the sky.
We will stand with all the angels with the blow of their mighty trumpets sounding in our ears,
Gods Love will envelope us, no more pain and suffering, no more sadness and tears.
We will reunite with our loved ones who have gone before.
The former things of this life will pass away and be no more.
I have thought about that day often and imagine what it will be like,
When I meet my Mighty Savour and faithful friend, the Lord Jesus Christ.
I have thought about what I would do and say to Him when we finally meet,
I will just be so overwhelmed by His Glory and Majesty that I will just fall at His feet.
After the trumpets have sounded their homecoming call I think all of Heaven will have a moment of silence
Our eyes will be opened to His Awesome Power and what we couldn’t even imagine will be realised!
Speechless we will all stand before His throne
Our Father will rise with outstretched arms welcoming His children home.
One by one we will kneel before Him to receive our Eternal reward.
Crowns of Faithfulness will be given for serving the Lord.
He will say, “Thankyou for feeding the hungry and showing My Love to the needy and afflicted ones
What you did for the least of these you did unto Jesus, My Son!”
What a day it will be! Can we even begin fathom it all?
Are we ready? Are our ears listening for the Last Trumpet call?
In my heart I know Him and I am ready to meet Him face to face.
I have accepted His sacrifice for my sin and have been showered with His Love and Grace.
I have run the race and fought the good fight,
I have surrendered my heart and given Him my life.
I have not given up when trials came my way. I have had my faith put to the test
And I look forward to those words of Jesus “Well done good and faithful servant, enter into my rest!”
I have the Hope of Glory and I hold onto it with all that is within me
Knowing that I will live with Jesus in Heaven Eternally.
Life is a blink but Eternity is a very long stare.
My hope is for the ones I love dearly to also be there.
They say that there will be no tears in Heaven but I think I will cry if I do not see
The ones that I love here on earth; standing in Heaven with me.
One day I will go home when Jesus comes again and splits the Eastern sky.
And I will be with the Lord forever in Perfect Paradise.
If you do not know Him like I do
I pray your eyes will be opened to the Truth.
Life is the dream and Heaven and Hell are the true reality,
Please ask yourself the question today. “Where do you think your Eternal Destiny will be?”
Will it be in Heaven where you will be embraced by Gods Love and brilliant Light?
Or will your soul be in torment forever in the burning Lake of Fire?
What will it profit you if you gain the whole world but lose your soul,
If you are reading this poem, now you have no excuse on Judgement Day. You cannot say that you were not told!
Please do not have regrets when you reach the other side
Take the gift Jesus died to give you and receive Eternal Life.
Do you choose Life this day or do you choose Death?
Don’t make the wrong choice that someday you will regret!
Take the time today to consider where your Eternal destiny will be.
I pray with all my heart, that you will be standing in Heaven with me.
You may ask “How are you so sure that you will be there? How do you know you have the Truth?
All I can say, “If you knew Him like I know Him then you would be sure and full of Hope too!
He is my Saviour and Lord. He is my Heavenly Father and faithful friend.
And I will hold onto to the Hope He has placed in my heart and follow Him to the very end!”
We were never meant to live our lives alone and walk through this life without Him,
What separates us from our Heavenly Father is all our pride and sin.
Forgiveness is offered, and you can have the Hope of Heaven placed in your heart today.
Salvation can be yours right now, if this prayer you say-
“Heavenly Father, I repent of all my sin,
I open my heart to you this day and invite you to come in.
I believe and confess that Jesus died on the cross for me, I believe He rose again and that He is Gods Son.
I surrender my heart to you this day and ask that your will in my life be done.
I accept this gift of salvation by faith.
And receive your unconditional love and grace.
Help me to live my life for you.
Lead me by your words of Light and Truth.
Lord, help me to know you as my Lord and Faithful Friend,
In Jesus name I pray. Amen”
By K. A. Graaf
When this life is over and I take my last breath,
I will go home and enter into His peace and rest.
Jesus will stand at the gates of Heaven and welcome me inside,
His arms will embrace me into Everlasting Life.
I have thought about that very moment when Jesus stands before me,
But in the mean time I’m caught between this earthly dream and Heavens reality.
Hope bursts inside of me like a million butterflies taking flight,
When I think of how incredible it will be when we are all caught up to meet Him in the sky.
We will stand with all the angels with the blow of their mighty trumpets sounding in our ears,
Gods Love will envelope us, no more pain and suffering, no more sadness and tears.
We will reunite with our loved ones who have gone before.
The former things of this life will pass away and be no more.
I have thought about that day often and imagine what it will be like,
When I meet my Mighty Savour and faithful friend, the Lord Jesus Christ.
I have thought about what I would do and say to Him when we finally meet,
I will just be so overwhelmed by His Glory and Majesty that I will just fall at His feet.
After the trumpets have sounded their homecoming call I think all of Heaven will have a moment of silence
Our eyes will be opened to His Awesome Power and what we couldn’t even imagine will be realised!
Speechless we will all stand before His throne
Our Father will rise with outstretched arms welcoming His children home.
One by one we will kneel before Him to receive our Eternal reward.
Crowns of Faithfulness will be given for serving the Lord.
He will say, “Thankyou for feeding the hungry and showing My Love to the needy and afflicted ones
What you did for the least of these you did unto Jesus, My Son!”
What a day it will be! Can we even begin fathom it all?
Are we ready? Are our ears listening for the Last Trumpet call?
In my heart I know Him and I am ready to meet Him face to face.
I have accepted His sacrifice for my sin and have been showered with His Love and Grace.
I have run the race and fought the good fight,
I have surrendered my heart and given Him my life.
I have not given up when trials came my way. I have had my faith put to the test
And I look forward to those words of Jesus “Well done good and faithful servant, enter into my rest!”
I have the Hope of Glory and I hold onto it with all that is within me
Knowing that I will live with Jesus in Heaven Eternally.
Life is a blink but Eternity is a very long stare.
My hope is for the ones I love dearly to also be there.
They say that there will be no tears in Heaven but I think I will cry if I do not see
The ones that I love here on earth; standing in Heaven with me.
One day I will go home when Jesus comes again and splits the Eastern sky.
And I will be with the Lord forever in Perfect Paradise.
If you do not know Him like I do
I pray your eyes will be opened to the Truth.
Life is the dream and Heaven and Hell are the true reality,
Please ask yourself the question today. “Where do you think your Eternal Destiny will be?”
Will it be in Heaven where you will be embraced by Gods Love and brilliant Light?
Or will your soul be in torment forever in the burning Lake of Fire?
What will it profit you if you gain the whole world but lose your soul,
If you are reading this poem, now you have no excuse on Judgement Day. You cannot say that you were not told!
Please do not have regrets when you reach the other side
Take the gift Jesus died to give you and receive Eternal Life.
Do you choose Life this day or do you choose Death?
Don’t make the wrong choice that someday you will regret!
Take the time today to consider where your Eternal destiny will be.
I pray with all my heart, that you will be standing in Heaven with me.
You may ask “How are you so sure that you will be there? How do you know you have the Truth?
All I can say, “If you knew Him like I know Him then you would be sure and full of Hope too!
He is my Saviour and Lord. He is my Heavenly Father and faithful friend.
And I will hold onto to the Hope He has placed in my heart and follow Him to the very end!”
We were never meant to live our lives alone and walk through this life without Him,
What separates us from our Heavenly Father is all our pride and sin.
Forgiveness is offered, and you can have the Hope of Heaven placed in your heart today.
Salvation can be yours right now, if this prayer you say-
“Heavenly Father, I repent of all my sin,
I open my heart to you this day and invite you to come in.
I believe and confess that Jesus died on the cross for me, I believe He rose again and that He is Gods Son.
I surrender my heart to you this day and ask that your will in my life be done.
I accept this gift of salvation by faith.
And receive your unconditional love and grace.
Help me to live my life for you.
Lead me by your words of Light and Truth.
Lord, help me to know you as my Lord and Faithful Friend,
In Jesus name I pray. Amen”