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Going to Church


Oct 5, 2006
Hey everyone. Just wondering what you're thoughts are on going to Church. With my Religon and Ethics class at my school we had an assignment where we had to make up a question about Christianity and then do a little in role play and explain the answer. We decided that you do not have to go to Church to be a Chrisitian but that it's more desirable than not. Just wondering what everyones thoughts are on that.

God Bless
Well... i actually dont attend a Church. Ive been to a few before.. When i was younger, my parents dragged me along to the Church they went to. (Greek Orthadox) It didnt do anything for me... It was VERY traditional.. We had to sit and listen to the entire service, (which seemed to drag on and on) and i had to appear somewhat interested, although i could not understand any of it.. (it was all in an ancient Greek... My parents understand the language... however.. my sister and i dont).. Their church service teaches very little about Jesus.. My parents dont seem to know anything about christianity.. All the members were old and strict... If you had to sneeze... people would turn around and frown at you...

It was a bore... and it actually seemed to turn me away from religion. I stopped going when i was about 15.. I didnt know anything about Christianity at that time..

Then theres the one and only christian church in our small town.. It doesnt seem very welcoming. Ive met some of the members before, and they seem very judgmental. Some are just plain unfriendly.. And yes, like the other church, most of its members are old.. theres no young ones around to relate too..

Hmm.. so dont think Church, makes you a better christian.. I guess it would help.. But ive learnt alot on my own.. Through my own study. I seem to know more than my family does..
Well... i actually dont attend a Church. Ive been to a few before.. When i was younger, my parents dragged me along to the Church they went to. (Greek Orthadox) It didnt do anything for me... It was VERY traditional.. We had to sit and listen to the entire service, (which seemed to drag on and on) and i had to appear somewhat interested, although i could not understand any of it.. (it was all in an ancient Greek... My parents understand the language... however.. my sister and i dont).. Their church service teaches very little about Jesus.. My parents dont seem to know anything about christianity.. All the members were old and strict... If you had to sneeze... people would turn around and frown at you...

It was a bore... and it actually seemed to turn me away from religion. I stopped going when i was about 15.. I didnt know anything about Christianity at that time..

Then theres the one and only christian church in our small town.. It doesnt seem very welcoming. Ive met some of the members before, and they seem very judgmental. Some are just plain unfriendly.. And yes, like the other church, most of its members are old.. theres no young ones around to relate too..

Hmm.. so dont think Church, makes you a better christian.. I guess it would help.. But ive learnt alot on my own.. Through my own study. I seem to know more than my family does..
I understand what you mean. I wasn't expecting an answer like this. Still it's great that it came up. So say if you went to a Chrisitian Church, do you think that it would help you a lot?
Well... i actually dont attend a Church. Ive been to a few before.. When i was younger, my parents dragged me along to the Church they went to. (Greek Orthadox) It didnt do anything for me... It was VERY traditional.. We had to sit and listen to the entire service, (which seemed to drag on and on) and i had to appear somewhat interested, although i could not understand any of it.. (it was all in an ancient Greek... My parents understand the language... however.. my sister and i dont).. Their church service teaches very little about Jesus.. My parents dont seem to know anything about christianity.. All the members were old and strict... If you had to sneeze... people would turn around and frown at you...

It was a bore... and it actually seemed to turn me away from religion. I stopped going when i was about 15.. I didnt know anything about Christianity at that time..

Then theres the one and only christian church in our small town.. It doesnt seem very welcoming. Ive met some of the members before, and they seem very judgmental. Some are just plain unfriendly.. And yes, like the other church, most of its members are old.. theres no young ones around to relate too..

Hmm.. so dont think Church, makes you a better christian.. I guess it would help.. But ive learnt alot on my own.. Through my own study. I seem to know more than my family does..

If you find a good church this should not be the case. As it is said in 1 John 3:10, one test of REAL faith is if a person loves his brother (brother in Christ). If you have a Christian church that is full of real Christians, and you feel out of place, I think it would be a good time to examine yourself. Some churches are packed with unbelievers, but that’s not usually the case in my experience.

Why would God give an outline for a church, the way it should be governed, and etc. in the New Testament if we were not going to use it? Church is not mandatory for a Christian, but for true spiritual growth: accept no substitute. Sure you can study on your own, that’s what I do more often then not, but there is no replacing the kind of worship and praise, and fellowship that takes place inside of a good Christian church.

Many people today who call themselves Christians are not. If you don't feel persecuted or at least "out of place" when you are out in the world filled with unbelievers, then maybe your not a Christian. Church is often times a sanctuary. Your one place where you go to be with other Christians after a weary week of doing Gods work in a world of unbelievers.

If you really want to see God work and do things in your life, try actually getting involved in a church. I don't mean attending Sunday school, or just a worship service. Most churches that are lead by Christians have all kinds of things going on. Many ways to help the poor, help other brothers in need and etc. Also if you need help or Christian counsel often times they have a good staff for doing so. It's a great place to build relationships with other believers.

"Whatever you do for the least of my brethren, you do for me." Matt 25:45

Serving other Christians is literally to serve Christ. You help another Christian, and it's like you are helping Christ himself. I would start looking for every opportunity to join a good church and get involved.

This isn't particularly directed at girl. It could be possible that you never have been in a good church, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't find one.
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Say i went to a nice Christian church, filled with lovely "real" christians...and the service was educational, understandable...and enjoyable... then yeah, i would say it would help.. It would be nice, y'know to actually talk to other 'real' christians, see their views, share opinions...understand more.. I mean, i could look at a passage in the bible, read it, understand it... make sense of it, and believe it means a certain thing... then some other christian might read the exact same thing, and interpret it completely differently.. Church would also make more sense of certain things.. Also getting more involved in prayer...

jculver: Yes, yes.. i know, Church is very important.. It helps you as a Christian... All of what you said, very good.. But if God really wanted me to go to a Christian Church, then he would have made it much easier for me.. For one thing, living in a very small town, you cant expect to turn a corner, and oi, golly... well, lookie here, a nice christian church!! no, no... its not that easy at all.. ...for me to find a good Church.. it would have to me involve waking up really early and travelling out of town, fairly far.. to find one.. And considering, that i dont have actually have a car of my own doesnt really help the situation.. Secondly, i work...all the time. Sunday mornings.. ah, it seems impossible.. im either studdying, or working.. hmm..oh, and my Dad doesnt really support the idea of me, finding a church for myself... So yes.... I agree with your last line, when you say that i should find a church...really, i agree... but its not as easy as you make it seem.. Its almost asthough you think im too lazy, or dont care enough..

so on the topic of church, i agree, it helps you as a christian, however, i dont think that by going to Church, that it makes you a "better" christian.. now, now... thats just silly. Gosh, i know people, they seem to have a wierd way of thinking.... ... On sunday mornings, they are good christian members of the Church... Then on monday, to Saturday, they go on with their lives, like they are the only thing that matters, and all those teachings at church..dont seem to be of any importance...hmm..some are really..unfriendly.. "Oh, But,......hey,>! they go to Church!!... That makes them a good Christian....???!? Its all that matters!@#!! right?
Say i went to a nice Christian church, filled with lovely "real" christians...and the service was educational, understandable...and enjoyable... then yeah, i would say it would help.. It would be nice, y'know to actually talk to other 'real' christians, see their views, share opinions...understand more.. I mean, i could look at a passage in the bible, read it, understand it... make sense of it, and believe it means a certain thing... then some other christian might read the exact same thing, and interpret it completely differently.. Church would also make more sense of certain things.. Also getting more involved in prayer...

I think you are agreeing with me here to some extent, but I am not sure if you understood what I meant by my previous post. The main idea behind church is that there are many Christians, which is the obvious difference between studying by yourself. Also churchs often do many things for the poor etc. and give Christians a community, where if a brother/sister needs help, he gets Christian help, and if a brother /sister can give help, they give Christian help. Worship is the idea at church. Sure you can worship at your home, but a gathering of people together worshipping God is more glorifying.

jculver: Yes, yes.. i know, Church is very important.. It helps you as a Christian... All of what you said, very good.. But if God really wanted me to go to a Christian Church, then he would have made it much easier for me..
What exactly is your logic here? Why would he have made it easier for you? God makes everything that he wants us to do easy?

I don't think Jesus taught that at all. The Gospel according to Jesus demands your life.

For one thing, living in a very small town, you cant expect to turn a corner, and oi, golly... well, lookie here, a nice christian church!! no, no... its not that easy at all.. ...for me to find a good Church.. it would have to me involve waking up really early and travelling out of town, fairly far.. to find one.. And considering, that i dont have actually have a car of my own doesnt really help the situation..
If you yourself can honestly say you do not physically have the means to get to any kind of God honoring worship on a Sunday then obviously there is nothing you can do until you either fix the situation yourself, or something changes.

Secondly, i work...all the time. Sunday mornings.. ah, it seems impossible.. im either studdying, or working..
You are effectively saying here that study and work prevent you from worshiping God. I don't agree that these are valid excuses.

hmm..oh, and my Dad doesnt really support the idea of me, finding a church for myself...
Is your Father not a Christian? I thought you indicated that he might be in a post entitled "Death". Why would he not be glad that you wanted to worship God? If he is not a Christian then it is possible you should choose a side, and do what you can for God anyway.

“Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”
(Matthew 10:37-39)

"Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division... They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law." (Luke 12:51-53)

The above quotes come straight from Jesus' mouth.

I think that if this is your case you should pray for the ability to do what God wants.
I don't know your situation so it's not like I am here judging you. I simply think that it is possible you take worshipping God too lightly and that you may not fully realize how important it is. You may fully realize how important it is, and maybe you worship him fine in your own time and you legitimately have no option for a church in your area. I don't know Australia so maybe that is the case. It very well could be I admit I am absolutly ignorant of how churches and life operates there. I am not claiming America's church system to be any better, or for it to be a better more God honoring Country or that we have more God honoring churches.

So yes.... I agree with your last line, when you say that i should find a church...really, i agree... but its not as easy as you make it seem.. Its almost asthough you think im too lazy, or dont care enough..
This was not my intent sister; I do not mean to indicate you are lazy. If you say that if you tried your best and it is not possible for you to attend a good church on Sunday I would believe you. So please forgive me if this is the case as I don't intend to indicate that.

so on the topic of church, i agree, it helps you as a christian, however, i dont think that by going to Church, that it makes you a "better" christian..
It certainly doesn't make you better in the sense of being better than another Christian, but it improves your walk with God making you a "better" or more improved Christian than you were before.

now, now... thats just silly. Gosh, i know people, they seem to have a wierd way of thinking.... ... On sunday mornings, they are good christian members of the Church... Then on monday, to Saturday, they go on with their lives, like they are the only thing that matters, and all those teachings at church..dont seem to be of any importance...hmm..some are really..unfriendly.. "Oh, But,......hey,>! they go to Church!!... That makes them a good Christian....???!? Its all that matters!@#!! right?
Obviously not everyone who goes to church is a Christian, but not everyone who doesn't is either.

In summary I do not think it is mandatory for a person to attend church to be a true Christian. Some missionaries don't see church for long periods of time. I would however suggest that it is important for spiritual growth to have fellowship with other believers. Hopefully it is important to all Christians to give God praise in one form another.
For me, a church is hard lol...
I found a church I really really like, but because my mom is hindu, my dad was hindu, I can't really get the chance to go. But given my way, I'd be going almost every Sunday :D
Also, it seems that my aunt told my mom that I'm only going to church because I'm being influenced by my friends... I think that's because I just came out of nowhere a couple years ago and told my mom I'm a christian, which has found soo much opposition, it's getting annoying :(
For me, a church is hard lol...
I found a church I really really like, but because my mom is hindu, my dad was hindu, I can't really get the chance to go. But given my way, I'd be going almost every Sunday :D
Also, it seems that my aunt told my mom that I'm only going to church because I'm being influenced by my friends... I think that's because I just came out of nowhere a couple years ago and told my mom I'm a christian, which has found soo much opposition, it's getting annoying :(

That is so awesome though that with hindu parents you are a Christian anyway, and you are open to them about it. If you are truly going to church when you can then of course God will bless that even if you can't always get there. The fact that you desire to be there even with an opposing religious upringing is beautiful.

I hope that soon you will be able to attend church as regularly as you desire. I will pray for your situation :)
Good to read these discussions about church. Bible church, and that would be the only church surely, is all about knowing, and following Jesus.

It saddens me when I hear of good folks going to church, maybe they have been been going for quite some time.....and they have never met Jesus.

How could this be??

The Christian Church came into being in the bible....Acts chapter 2. On that day of Pentecost history recalls that the Church was birthed. Prior to this there had never been a company of people called 'Church'.

My exhortation to all who wonder about Church, would be to recall when the Church began, and what the Church was about. If this is done, and such a bible patterned Church could be found, this would bring blessing, peace, and pleasure in this life, and Eternal Life in the next.

God Bless
Public schools have enough garbage to make you puke!!!11 My parents cant send me anywhere else so im stuck in one of these schools and im getting kinda tired of all the trash they throw on churches. Especially when they talk about history when the catholic church was in power. Sure the Catholic church made its mistakes then but they make it sound like christianity's goal is to takeover and force people to come to Christ through vilence.

Church i think is deffinitly a neccessary thing... Without it id be were i was a few years ago...............................a place i never want to return to and with schools teachings it makes it all the more neccessarry to fill yourself up with the word of God.
Public schools have enough garbage to make you puke!!!11 My parents cant send me anywhere else so im stuck in one of these schools and im getting kinda tired of all the trash they throw on churches. Especially when they talk about history when the catholic church was in power. Sure the Catholic church made its mistakes then but they make it sound like christianity's goal is to takeover and force people to come to Christ through vilence.

Church i think is deffinitly a neccessary thing... Without it id be were i was a few years ago...............................a place i never want to return to and with schools teachings it makes it all the more neccessarry to fill yourself up with the word of God.

hey Romeempire,
i had and still hav the same problem as urs, so i tttttttttttttooooooooooooootttttttttallllllllllllllllly agree!!!
romeempire same problem here too! they talk about chirsitinaity some what like its evil and dont amke diffrence about ppl and streams in christinaity and some times they let it feel like that christians are almost killers. (though they dont say this that way but its in clues and outline). they give bad names
instead of facts. and they forget that not all christians have done mistakes and they forget from their mistakes. and they dont teach that the nazis were not christians (they had a new religion based on paganism and folklore) and many garbage which is not correct. only rarely they gave true facts but mostly its mixture of facts and fatal mistakes... (thogh not in all schools but in many schools its like that).
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i've seen a trend in america lately.
maybe in the past 5 years.
it seems that some christians do not think they have to go church on sunday.
that they can just worship in their homes & get the spiritual energy they need by themselves.

going to church is EXTREMELY for a christian.
paul talks about being the Body of Christ.
Church doesn't just mean a group of people.
it means the Body of Christ & we have to build up Christ's church by being part of the community & hearing God's word.
Church reassures us that their are people right beside us following Christ.
to miss this awesomeness, well... i guess that's the individual's decision.
hey there Jimmieboy. One of the reasons i think going to church is a very important thing in a Christian's life is that we have this pattern in the New Testament...
Jesus had the most intimate relationship with God, but still went to the local synagogues and even to the temple. Luke even says that it was His custom (habit ?) to do so (Luke 4:16). Paul was much like Him also. Whenever he visited Christians he didn't invite them to a picnic or a cup of tea. He went to their churches. And I'm sure the disciples and the church fathers did the same. Now, if these people (who i guess had a much deeper relationship with God than us) felt the need to go to church (synagogue), i think we should follow their example. I try to go to church every time i get the chance. It's much better than doing anything else. I consider it like invested time. And yeah, getting involved in the service makes it way better.
hey there Jimmieboy. One of the reasons i think going to church is a very important thing in a Christian's life is that we have this pattern in the New Testament...
Jesus had the most intimate relationship with God, but still went to the local synagogues and even to the temple. Luke even says that it was His custom (habit ?) to do so (Luke 4:16). Paul was much like Him also. Whenever he visited Christians he didn't invite them to a picnic or a cup of tea. He went to their churches. And I'm sure the disciples and the church fathers did the same. Now, if these people (who i guess had a much deeper relationship with God than us) felt the need to go to church (synagogue), i think we should follow their example. I try to go to church every time i get the chance. It's much better than doing anything else. I consider it like invested time. And yeah, getting involved in the service makes it way better.

A note:
in the synagouge before the destruction of the Temple, was more place of studying the Torah- Old testment. actually, prayer wasnt exactly existing as a formal ritual back then and the main service was, actually in the temple with the Levi's reading psalms and the people with the priest's sacrificing goats for their sins or to praise God. prayer was something people seem to tend do in public places but not in the synagouges and they done so to make attraction to them. i dont remember the right quote but i will try to give you the verse i belive its in Matthew chapter 6 verse 5-7. ofcourse people did prayed in the synagouge's but it wasnt formal thing.
after the destruction of the temple it became the one of the basics of the jewish ritual.

when Jesus came to synagouge was usually to preach to people and explain them the torah and the word of God.

church is important and like the jewish people need 10 people if the want good prayer or to have complete cermoney they need the minyan (10 males over the age of thirteen) we as christians need to be atleast 2-3 who get together to pray in the name of Jesus.
ofcourse before there were many belivers and formal churches/synagouges people used to pray in their room as Jesus said and later in the house of the belivers.
You're right, Jimmieboy. Just be carefull where you walk. And remember the time you spend alone with Him is quality time you should never be without, amen. He loves you so, amen.
A note:
in the synagouge before the destruction of the Temple, was more place of studying the Torah- Old testment. actually, prayer wasnt exactly existing as a formal ritual back then and the main service was, actually in the temple with the Levi's reading psalms and the people with the priest's sacrificing goats for their sins or to praise God. prayer was something people seem to tend do in public places but not in the synagouges and they done so to make attraction to them. i dont remember the right quote but i will try to give you the verse i belive its in Matthew chapter 6 verse 5-7. ofcourse people did prayed in the synagouge's but it wasnt formal thing.
after the destruction of the temple it became the one of the basics of the jewish ritual.

when Jesus came to synagouge was usually to preach to people and explain them the torah and the word of God.

church is important and like the jewish people need 10 people if the want good prayer or to have complete cermoney they need the minyan (10 males over the age of thirteen) we as christians need to be atleast 2-3 who get together to pray in the name of Jesus.
ofcourse before there were many belivers and formal churches/synagouges people used to pray in their room as Jesus said and later in the house of the belivers.

It is also interesting to note that the religion of Judaism and the use of synagogues was birthed sometime during the Babylonian captivity or the return from Babylon.

As believers gathering together and loving each other are very important, but motive for doing so is equally important. It seems it has become more about protocol than anything else. The common attribute is the style of liturgy. In the first century it was Christ. So there have been many , many changes since and not all are for the good. Jesus said, "where two or three are gathered in my name, there I will be in the midst of them." Not in the name of a denomination or in the name of a church.

Some may conclude that it doesn't really matter and that the important thing is to come together, but I say it does matter or the church is nothing more than a gathering of masons , shrinners or the rotary club. Just because something has been around a very long time doesn't give it credibility. The history of the religious institution speaks for itself, look at all the murder, torture, and persecution it has done to those who have measured it according to the character of Christ. In many cases you will find the the church and the body of Christ (Ekklesia) are two seperate entities.
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Good for you Sebi

Good speak Sebi. God loves those who praise and love Him and speak for Him in His name. I am glad you find loving God a priority in your life. Sounds like you are already having a fairly good journey. May your life be blessed with the love of Christ. Amen(: Pixie:love: :rose:
My Church

I absolutely love the church I go to now. (Faith Landmark in Richmond VA).
Growing up I went to the Episcopal church behind my house. My mom had a problem with some of the members, so we didn't go back to that church. I didn't go to church for a really long time.

My sister's co-worker, Cherish invited her to a service at her church. My sister said it was a great church, she said it would be compared to a "holy roller" church and asked if I wanted to go. And for a moment I thought I might not, because I was raised Episcopal , and I was used to the traditional Episcopal church, with the traditional secular music and ministry.

So I thought I'll just give it a try. So I went and the service was awesome. We went on Sunday morning. I left there wanting to go to the evening service. It is a very welcoming church. The people there are just awesome. They will come up to you and give you a hug and tell you how much they love you.
It totally blew me away. I love my church.
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