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Halloween is daingerous

Apr 6, 2009
Hi there I would like to tell all the young people a bit how daingerous Halloween is. As a Christian I am compleatly against Halloween because it is the feast of the people who believe in satan. As a Christian I would like to tell as many people as possible exactly what is the dainger of satanism and why to stay away from halloween.

The Bible clearly tells us that we are not allow to praying towards any other god than God the father.

Why do people worship satan and celebrate rubbish like Halloween? It is daingerous and it is against the Christian faith that I believe in.

As Christians we celebrate Christmas and easter and we celebrate the birth and the Cross of Jesus Christ instead of Halloween.

Many Halloween movies got witchcraft in and the Bible clearly tells us to have nothing to do with witchcraft.

Satanism is a problem underneath the youth of today and as Christians we should pray for all people involved with satanism and that stuff.

I would like to warn all the young people to stay very far away from Halloween because Halloween do nothing good in people's life.

It is daingerous.:secret::secret::secret::secret::secret:
If it's true, then:

1. I am glad our country doesn't have Halloween, so we don't really celebrate it. Although there are tons of parties...
2. The sad new is that Halloween is becomnig more popular every year, so soon more will break God's work.

God Bless.
I'm sorry but i feel this is ridiculous .

Satanism and Paganism are two different things, Devil Worship and Satanism are Also two different things.
I'm sorry but i feel this is ridiculous .

Satanism and Paganism are two different things, Devil Worship and Satanism are Also two different things.

Anything that is not of God is of the Devil! So with that being said, I'd think paganism/satanism are the same but present themselves in different forms and or intensities.

As for Halloween, it's quite obvious that this sect does not belong to God. So guess we can all deduct where it thus originates its ugly head.

Halloween, Santa (Satan) Claus (Lucas/Lucifer), Easter Bunny are all things that try to distract the public from the Truth and the Truth is Jesus Christ.

Sorry don't mean to be blunt, but I can't help it. Jesus clearly said so:
Matthew 12:30 "He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters."

Some might say that this doesn't necessarily mean that Halloween and Santa Claus these are of the Devil but just like we either go to heaven or hell, in the same instance, so are things either of heaven or of hell. In my sincerest opinion, there are basically only two choices in this world. One to love Jesus, by truly loving Him first we will so naturally love others and love ourselves. The other choice is to 'love' ourselves alone, which is of the nature of the prince of darkness himself.
Oh my god!

First of all, stating that Halloween is dangerous because it is the "feast of the people who believe in satan", borderlines to plain stupidity. How in the world can something as innocent as dressing up as your favorite superhero, a cinderella or a hotdog be compared to "believing in satan"?

"The Bible clearly tells us that we are not allow to praying towards any other god than God the father." - There is a world of difference between celebrating and praying!

"Satanism is a problem underneath the youth of today and as Christians we should pray for all people involved with satanism and that stuff." - Are you blaming satanism for all that is wrong with the youth today, from your point of view? You can not deliver these statements without backing them up. I personally believes that a one of the reasons so many people believe that the youth is "falling apart" is because the modern youth do not feel so strongly about any gods. But don't give satan credit for that, give credit to the parents, to the access to information via inventions such as the internet, and a more liberal view upon atheism and agnosticism.

To return to the statement about Halloween and how it should be prohibited, along with santa claus and the easter bunny (according to WangLili) i must declare this statement an outrage! Who are you to deny children the joy of fairytales? One of the beauties of childhood is the ability to imagine the most wonderful things, and you will gladly take that away from them? -Why? Out of fear that they might "believe in santa claus" or "worship the easter bunny"? - I don't know how many children you know yourself, but I can tell you that children, as they grow up, realize that these characters are nothing but make belief, but why deny the children a few years of magic? It is the equivalent of refusing to read Winnie the Pooh for your children, out of fear that they might start to worship a yellow teddy bear!

"Anything that is not of God is of the Devil!" - Once again I feel the need to constrain myself in order to keep this debate in a sober language! There is so much wrong with that sentence that I do not know where to start. One perspective to have is that if god created all things, then he created the devil, and thus the work of the devil is the work of god. Just to use your own way of deducting!
What about the work of man? The work of boredom? (not equivalent to the devil!)

The Halloween is an ancient Celtic tradition, thus a pagan tradition. But as for so many things in our world, the traditions lives on, but the meaning implied is often lost, so today Haloween is simply about dressing up, children and adults alike in the pursuit of a fun evening and hopefully a basket full of sweets.

I do believe that you ought to drop your biased view of "everything not made by god" - because life is going to be a pain in the bottom if your only goal in life is pointing out what is wrong in the modern world, in terms of 2000 years old scripture. It is incompatible when you look at it that way.
Why fairy tales when the real and pure Jesus reins? Do you have any idea of how many great Biblical stories are out there for kids to enjoy..

Whenever one goes to Halloween, I'm sure you'll a few folks dressing as witches, vampires and what not.. Clearly the Bible addresses such and forbids Christians from being associated with elements of darkness.

If we must play dress up, why not dress up as Biblical figures..or how about let's just be who God made us to be...Either way is fine by me..

Anyhow, what I have said remains. What is not with God is against Him. To debate on this is fallacious as I myself did not spontaneously deduct this...
Matthew 12:30 "He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters."

I do believe that you ought to drop your biased view of "everything not made by god" - because life is going to be a pain in the bottom if your only goal in life is pointing out what is wrong in the modern world, in terms of 2000 years old scripture. It is incompatible when you look at it that way.

It is not my goal. Someone created a thread and I simply responded.

I have no problem with Winnie the Pooh...For you to say such a thing suggests that you didn't even understand my post to begin with.. What I don't like about the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus is the time in which they decide to pop up their ugly heads. Christmas and Easter is about Jesus Christ. These two figures, the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus distracts the general public from this truth. Therefore, it is clear that Easter Bunny and Santa Claus are works of the enemy.. This is my point.
Anything that is not of God is of the Devil! So with that being said, I'd think paganism/satanism are the same but present themselves in different forms and or intensities.

As for Halloween, it's quite obvious that this sect does not belong to God. So guess we can all deduct where it thus originates its ugly head.

Halloween, Santa (Satan) Claus (Lucas/Lucifer), Easter Bunny are all things that try to distract the public from the Truth and the Truth is Jesus Christ.

Sorry don't mean to be blunt, but I can't help it. Jesus clearly said so:
Matthew 12:30 "He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters."

Some might say that this doesn't necessarily mean that Halloween and Santa Claus these are of the Devil but just like we either go to heaven or hell, in the same instance, so are things either of heaven or of hell. In my sincerest opinion, there are basically only two choices in this world. One to love Jesus, by truly loving Him first we will so naturally love others and love ourselves. The other choice is to 'love' ourselves alone, which is of the nature of the prince of darkness himself.

actually santa clause did exist.. The true story of Santa Claus begins with Nicholas, who was born during the third century in the village of Patara. At the time the area was Greek and is now on the southern coast of Turkey. His wealthy parents, who raised him to be a devout Christian, died in an epidemic while Nicholas was still young. Obeying Jesus' words to "sell what you own and give the money to the poor," Nicholas used his whole inheritance to assist the needy, the sick, and the suffering. He dedicated his life to serving God. The history of Halloween goes back 2000 years. Many believe that Halloween's origins are found in the Celtic festival of Samhain. The Celts, who were located in Ireland, the UK and the northern parts of France, celebrated their New Year on the first of November. Samhain was celebrated the night before the New Year.

The New Year, Celts believed, marked summer's end, harvest time, and the start of dark, cold winter months. Those winter months were associated with death by these people. On October 31, the night before the New Year, the Celts celebrated Samhain. This day, they believed, was when the ghosts of the deceased returned to earth because the boundaries between the living world and the dead world blurred.

When we think of "Trick-Or-Treating", the origins can probably be found in the English All Souls' Day parades. During these celebrations, the poor would come out and beg for food from the more wealthy families. When the families gave them pastries called "soul cakes", they asked for the poor to pray for their relatives that had passed away. So how can u say that this is of the devil? its just harmless centuries old celebrations come with us to the present
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Why fairy tales when the real and pure Jesus reins? Do you have any idea of how many great Biblical stories are out there for kids to enjoy..

Whenever one goes to Halloween, I'm sure you'll a few folks dressing as witches, vampires and what not.. Clearly the Bible addresses such and forbids Christians from being associated with elements of darkness.

If we must play dress up, why not dress up as Biblical figures..or how about let's just be who God made us to be...Either way is fine by me..

Anyhow, what I have said remains. What is not with God is against Him. To debate on this is fallacious as I myself did not spontaneously deduct this...
Matthew 12:30 "He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters."

It is not my goal. Someone created a thread and I simply responded.

I have no problem with Winnie the Pooh...For you to say such a thing suggests that you didn't even understand my post to begin with.. What I don't like about the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus is the time in which they decide to pop up their ugly heads. Christmas and Easter is about Jesus Christ. These two figures, the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus distracts the general public from this truth. Therefore, it is clear that Easter Bunny and Santa Claus are works of the enemy.. This is my point.

They distract the general public from the truth? I don't really agree with that seeing as Jesus was not really born on the day in which we celebrate Christmas, and Easter was also originally a pagan holiday. Those holidays were celebrated at that time to make it easier to convert pagans.