Thanks for asking
Kuwabarra, great question.
Excellent, excellent, points c_scherer123 ,
"There is an odd misconception in North American culture currently, where people seem to think that when you get married you are handed a box full of happiness. In reality, you are handed an empty box that is labelled happiness and both people have to put something into it to fill it."
I have wondered this same thing earlier in my life
Kuwabarra. I am currently 34.
This might seem like a cope out answer but, I think this is the truth.
I think our focus should not be on that question, because
that question in itself can bring up a lot of anxiety.
The Bible teaches us that God has plans for us, and His plans are good.
Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." )
For some of us marriage is in those plans, and for others marriage is not.
(Mathew 19:12 "For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others--and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.")
The danger with focusing on the right person that God has for you, (as He does have a plan for you) is that at times we build this
imagine of who we think that perfect match is, and we often may shun the one that God really has because they don't fit that profile. Remember when God instructed someone to marry a prostitue? Someone with the idea that God has someone for them, may be weary of doing so because they wouldn't believe that God would have them ("a virgin") marry a sinful woman with whom they are clearly unevenly yoked.The the passage reads are follows
(Hosea 1:2 When the LORD began to speak through Hosea, the LORD said to him, "Go, marry a promiscuous woman and have children with her, for like an adulterous wife this land is guilty of unfaithfulness to the LORD.")
Remember David and Goliath? God had a person in mind to defeat Goliath, it was David, but when the King was looking for a warrior
David didn't fit the profile and could have easily been discounted to even try because David did not fit the profile of who God would use.
The same with Paul, who was previously Saul. Paul was chosen while in his mother's womb. Paul said:
( Galatians 1;15, "But when God, who set me apart from my mother's womb and called me by his grace, was pleased").
When the disciples saw Paul, He didn't fit the profile of an apostle because he was knew for killing Christians. This lead them
to be apprehensive to embrace him and welcome him because He did not fit the picture they had in their mind.
I am not saying that God does not have one person for you. I repeat
I am not saying that God does not have one person for you, I repeat
I am not saying that God does not have one person for you.
What I am saying is that you should not focus on this too much as it may force you to
have a particular image of who this person is and make it hard for you to truly be open
to who God really has for you.
On the other side of the fence, there is a danger in thinking that our Heavenly Father
who knows even the numbers of hairs on our head, wouldn't be concerned about something
as important as marriage. For the person who feels there is no one specifically for them, they
may more prone to jump into relationships quickly, thinking that it is just a matter
or commitment and love. Somewhat of a bad example but, Abraham and Sara's lack
of patience to wait on God lead them led to Abraham go into another women who God
did not have for Him. I believe if ones focus is that God does not have a specific person for
me, even if they are right, will likely lead to an attitude of jumping into relationships whereas
someone who believes God has one person for them would likely have more patience to
wait and build their character and relationship with God before just jumping to a marriage.
Also I can't over emphasize this. Marriage is not about happiness, it is about Holiness.
Marriage is the first institution, even before the institution of the family. Before Cain and
Abel, there were Adam and Eve (marriage). As God said, "Let us create man in our own
image." as the purpose was for us to reflect God's glory. The happiness is a byproduct
of the Holiness. But after sin, we have two unholy people, seeking to be happy first
instead of holy first, in a relationship called marriage. So as C-scherer123 so beautifully
said, we start taking from the other spouse looking to fulfill some need of being happy.
But if we work on getting closer to God and being Holy, we can be a blessing to
others. Marriage is about Holiness not happiness. Many people go into marriage
thinking it will make them happy, and if you are miserable before marriage marriage
will not make it better, it will just be worst as now you are miserable and expecting the
other person to make your miserable self happy.
So I think scripture clearly shows that God has a plan for you. This plan may include
marriage or it may not. If the plan does include marriage, then God has a plan for who
He wants you to marry, even if a divorce happens, in His infinite wisdom He come still
be leading you to that right person. It is all about walking in His Will and with Him.
God has a plan and at times it seems God will not force Himself and we need to make
a choice to participate (similar to the man that Jesus asked to sell His possessions and
follow Him, the man walk away sad, and Jesus didn't beg Him to follow Him but allowed Him to
go.) Other times like Jonah, it seemed like God was persistent until the person
did what He wanted them to do(with Jonah, even in Jonah's attempt to kill himself by being
thrown into the water, God sent a Whale to force Jonah to the shores of Ninevah to perform
that calling God had for Him, or God hardened Pharaohs heart but didn't soften the mans heart
who walked away).
So just focus on being in God's Will. Often times we chase after a spouse and then try to introduce
them to God, but I like what the image below communicates. God should be our first priority,
and when that happens, everything else will line up. So sorry to change your question, but I wouldn't
focus on the question, but focus on God and it will work out.