Eurasiansensation said:
Hi Im 17 and I just wanted to tell you I think you are one great parent.I wish I had a christian parent that cared about me the way you do for your son.From ages 13-15 I had already lived with 4 different friends.I moved so much that i had gone to 5 middle schools and 5 highschools.Between the ages of 13 to 15 I was also out partying doing drugs and gone wild,but not sex like all my other friends.I grew up fast.My father has his own life with his other family which I visit sometimes.I live with my mother we have a love hate relationship.My father wasnt around when I was younger, which led to insecurities such as anorexia/bulimia nervousana but im ok now.Ive been treated horribly my whole life beat when I was little and molested.The only family I felt I had were my all the friends i lived with family's.The only real father I will have is GOD.Im glad you care about your son.If he only knew he should appreciate a parent like you.If I were to ever see HIM in person I would tell him he should appreicate parents like you and your spouse that care for him. some advice:when you tell teens to not do something, we will do it,we get the excitment being rebelious. No one forced me to become christian,it was my own choice,I didnt go to church until I was 15,and my parent resented it and critisize me for it, before calling me a hypocrite because I am not perfect Sometimes I would have to run away from the house and walk to church.People expect christians to be perfect then judge us.Its like who are you to judge.Im not sure if your son does drugs because his peers or because he feels he trapped in problems or what?Whatever it is Im sure gods power can easily help him.Ill pray for him
I was so deeply touched by your story and I wanted to tell you a few words. I am a teenager as well as you and I understand your feelings. I suffered 2 years ago of anorexia and I can say it was a horrible period of my life. I was so week, and sad and dessapointed...and all just because I wanted to hide my fears and my insecurity into my phisical appearance.Thank God that he rescued me and helped my parents to do the right thing for me!I can tell from my own experience that some people cannot understand our love for God,the devotion we have for Him;they cannot understand that we want to listen to Him in all and that's why they judge us. They do not know God, in all His kindness, mercy, majesty, grace and love!I meet every day these kind of persons. I have them in my family;even my friends criticize me and say that I'm crazy. Many people hate me, want to hurt me, but God protects me. And however, I want His will to be done,not mine!I pray the Lord that He may do with me what He wishes because my life is in His hands. I love Him and I'm ready to fight against the whole world to defend my faith!
It's very sad that you have suffered so much since a young age, but remeber that pain is the path to Heaven's gates!All people want to live a happy life on the Earth, but the Earth is a little hell. Because, what reason would have had God to take Adam and Eve away from Heaven and move them into another Heaven?
Even I have a family and friends,I must admit that the only one who knows my heart, who knows how's 'the real me' is my Lord Jesus.He knows my deepest feelings, He knows my thoughts, my pains, my joys,my torments...sometimes when all the people abandon me, I can't find other solace than praying. I am a sinner, also, as well as all the humans. But God is so merciful and covered me with so many blessings that I feel I don't deserve them. The most beautiful miracles God has done for me are 2; one is that He gave me a life and the 2nd is that He accepted me again and let my soul to be reborn!!
My Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is the One who gives me strength to endure everything and His Holy Mother Mary is my help, She caresses me and guards me every second. My faithful friend is my holy Angel, that the merciful Lord gave me when I was baptized.
I feel so sorry that nobody taught me when I was little about faith and God and so on...of course, my parents and my grandparents taught me religion, but in a shallow way. I succeded to built this relationship with God by my own, I wanted with all my heart to find Him and to discover my sense of living. We both should thank the Lord that He had shown us the way to Him!
So, have trust and keep praying!And in suffering,don't look for people's compassion.God is the only one that you need!
God bless you