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Hell or Heaven Our Choice

Mar 19, 2015
OK @KingJ here is the thread you aksed for.

MY reply

Now then I have one thing to talk with you on. This that you said here...........I am harping on this because Calvinists make an argument that we are all en route to hell and Jesus savessome of us from this. This is not true. All babies go straight to heaven. Which is evidence of no sin nature present in us from birth.

KJ this is not what is siad nor is it what I have said or others said. This is what I was talking about by twisting what has been said. Perhaps you hurry through and skim the post. Any way here is what I say and others have said.

We are born into sin. We are as filthy rags.
If we do nothing about this then YES we are hell bound. WAIT dont you even stop and reply now or you will do it again. It has been said many times this is from the cross up until the end and children (includes babies) up unto the age of accountability and the mentally challenged are NOT held to this.

There is only one way out of this for the rest of us and that is making Jesus our Lord (being born again)
If you reject this free gift or another words just never get around to it then yea your going to be seperated from God.

If we beleive any other way brother then we make what Christ did on the cross for nothing. If loving sin or loving evil is your ticket to hell then we did not need the blood sacrifice of Jesus but God said we did and said Jesus was the only way to Him. So God says be born again to dwell with me. So that means if your not born again then your not dwelling with Him but with the devil.

Now then KJ PLEASE DO NOT bring up Children under the age of accountability and the mentally challenged and those before the cross. We are taalking about EVERY ONE but them.
Scriptures have been given over and over in the past. I simply wanted to show you why and what I mean when I said yoou were twisting what has been said. Here is the reason.
Nothing More - Nothing Less
Have a good one KJ......OBTW have you ever heard of Angus Buchan ? You should read his life story and the ministry God built through him. I mean this is down your way bro....
@KingJ reply

Calvinism is a popular belief. I don't believe I have encountered any here. Not sure why you read it as though I am jumping on some here / twisting what others have said.

2. Nobody is hell bound because of sin. People are hell bound because they love sin / the darkness John 3:19.

3. Jews were able to repent and find favor with God Psalm 51:17, albeit they may have been stoned to death. The gospel from God to mankind has from day 1 been to repent. It is not a NT thing. The only difference in the NT is that now when God draws near to us, He reveals Jesus to us 1 Cor 12:3, Matt 16:16-17. We do not need to go to Abraham Bosom / a waiting place.

4. ''Don't just get around to it'' I can't believe this is what you believe Jim. Salvation is not a get out of jail free card that you were lucky enough to pick up at Walmart. Salvation is a gift to those that actually love God. That actually want to be with Him. Salvation is an airplane that takes us from the airport to heaven. We have to get to the airport. We get to the airport by being after God's heart. Genuine love for God is to hate what is evil and cling to what is good Rom 12:9. When we are BA / a new creation 2 Cor 5:17....that can be seen as us arriving at the airport and getting our boarding pass. Jesus says there is no way to the Father but through Him to all those OT and NT. It is not just to us NT. God is not partial Acts 10:34.

5. Without Jesus nobody could ever be reconciled with God. Having sin has never equaled hell. Did Adam and Eve go to hell after they sinned? In the fullness of time all will be in either heaven or hell / lake of fire, sure. But we cannot say that having sin = hell. As we all have sin. People only reject Jesus / the light because they love the darkness / what is evil, that is the verdict John 3:19.

6. Jim, maybe you should open a thread just for you and I to discuss our disagreements on this. Bring your scriptures. I am sure you have many to discuss. This is quite an important stand alone discussion and hence will derail this thread.
I like your title ;).

Care to start off with an explanation of your line ''There is only one way out of this for the rest of us and that is making Jesus our Lord (being born again) If you reject this free gift or another words just never get around to it then yea your going to be seperated from God''

You think God is dumb? People who just forget to say some words can spend eternity in hell?
@KingJ reply

Calvinism is a popular belief. I don't believe I have encountered any here. Not sure why you read it as though I am jumping on some here / twisting what others have said.

2. Nobody is hell bound because of sin. People are hell bound because they love sin / the darkness John 3:19.

3. Jews were able to repent and find favor with God Psalm 51:17, albeit they may have been stoned to death. The gospel from God to mankind has from day 1 been to repent. It is not a NT thing. The only difference in the NT is that now when God draws near to us, He reveals Jesus to us 1 Cor 12:3, Matt 16:16-17. We do not need to go to Abraham Bosom / a waiting place.

4. ''Don't just get around to it'' I can't believe this is what you believe Jim. Salvation is not a get out of jail free card that you were lucky enough to pick up at Walmart. Salvation is a gift to those that actually love God. That actually want to be with Him. Salvation is an airplane that takes us from the airport to heaven. We have to get to the airport. We get to the airport by being after God's heart. Genuine love for God is to hate what is evil and cling to what is good Rom 12:9. When we are BA / a new creation 2 Cor 5:17....that can be seen as us arriving at the airport and getting our boarding pass. Jesus says there is no way to the Father but through Him to all those OT and NT. It is not just to us NT. God is not partial Acts 10:34.

5. Without Jesus nobody could ever be reconciled with God. Having sin has never equaled hell. Did Adam and Eve go to hell after they sinned? In the fullness of time all will be in either heaven or hell / lake of fire, sure. But we cannot say that having sin = hell. As we all have sin. People only reject Jesus / the light because they love the darkness / what is evil, that is the verdict John 3:19.

6. Jim, maybe you should open a thread just for you and I to discuss our disagreements on this. Bring your scriptures. I am sure you have many to discuss. This is quite an important stand alone discussion and hence will derail this thread.
That is just it KJ, you have told me and told others we are wrong about who and why people go to hell.
The problem here is you take one or tow lines of scripture and build a doctrine out of it. No sir I am not getting huffy at all just trying to show you something. For example you quote alot - loving evil is the ticket to hell.
That alone is just an example of a heart and not thee reason.

Scripture tells us that the only way to the Father is through Jesus John 14:6
This means with out Jesus or the Blood of Jesus on your behalf you will not go to the Father other then the final judgment. This is talking about being born again. So with out being born again - you have no chance of spending eterity with the Father. This does NOT include people before the cross or children under the age of accountability or the mentally challenged.

Yes sir I said many will not get around to making Jesus Lord of their life. Many people play a dangerous game. The put off accepting Jesus beleiving that they will have their fun now and repent and get born again later when they are old. Yes some do just that but many die before they get around to doing this and well - they shall here I never knew you. That is nothing far fetched or dumb KJ. It is fact. Dont get so religous with this. I did not say some ungodly thing here.
Blessings and lets BOTH do our part and keep it peaceful.
Thanks Bro
I like your title ;).

Care to start off with an explanation of your line ''There is only one way out of this for the rest of us and that is making Jesus our Lord (being born again) If you reject this free gift or another words just never get around to it then yea your going to be seperated from God''

You think God is dumb? People who just forget to say some words can spend eternity in hell?
Thanks KJ,
YES and I did as you were posting this
NO bro - I dont think God is Dumb but people can be
KJ it is not that people forget to say some words. Please listen for a minute. God gave each of us a choice. He leaves it up to each of us to choose His way or any other way out there. His way INCLUDES being born again. We must ask Him into our lives. With our Mouth as scripture says. YEs I know KJ and I hear you - what if they can not talk or hear or write or understand ? Well I am not God but from what I have come to understand these people if born this way or this happened to them before the age of accountability would also be ushered in.

Again I thank you in advance for helping me keep this thread peaceful. If we do I beleive no one will bother us and we and any oone can continue to debate or chat things through. I give you mmy word on it bro.
Scripture tells us that the only way to the Father is through Jesus John 14:6
This means with out Jesus or the Blood of Jesus on your behalf you will not go to the Father other then the final judgment. This is talking about being born again. So with out being born again - you have no chance of spending eterity with the Father. This does NOT include people before the cross or children under the age of accountability or the mentally challenged.

Agree 100%. I am discussing more what it takes in us to be BA. Kids and mentally handicapped are excempt because they cannot love or hate what is evil measure.

Jesus knocks at the door to our heart. We open. Why would we open unless we approve of what Jesus taught and stood for. I guess you are harping more on the fact that grasping Jesus is what puts us on a path to being BA. I agree with that. We both agree with being BA. I harp on the ''hating what is evil'' because I don't want to come close at all to a Calvinistic statement. If I look at my own conversion, I said to God I love my sin...but an image of the cross stayed in my head. I could not go on sinning with that image in my head / Jesus in my thoughts. So what are we to say? God put that image of the cross in my head because He saw I was not fully lost to sin / actually wanted to hate it. I stuck to the image of the cross because I loved pleasing God > loving the sin I did. I would say both are valid. It is 50/50.

It is like people saying they would serve God if what happened to Paul happened to them. But I believe Paul could have at any point pulled the middle finger to God. Paul didn't because he realized the evil in sin and good in pleasing God. He chose to hate sin. Pharoah is the stark contrast to this. Also saw miracles from God that would make most think he serve God in fear and trembling. But nope...he kept his heart hard and continued in rebellion to God / what was evil.

Yes sir I said many will not get around to making Jesus Lord of their life. Many people play a dangerous game. The put off accepting Jesus beleiving that they will have their fun now and repent and get born again later when they are old. Yes some do just that but many die before they get around to doing this and well - they shall here I never knew you. That is nothing far fetched or dumb KJ. It is fact. Dont get so religous with this. I did not say some ungodly thing here.
Blessings and lets BOTH do our part and keep it peaceful.
People put off accepting Jesus as they don't want to do it. Nobody wants to say they are evil. We all want to believe we are good. God does not make mistakes. Nobody who wants to / would have accepted Jesus will be in hell.
God gave each of us a choice. He leaves it up to each of us to choose His way or any other way out there. His way INCLUDES being born again. We must ask Him into our lives. With our Mouth as scripture says.
Agree 100%. Why didn't you say that in the beginning :);). Maybe I jumped too quick.