I dont watch the news much anymore, turn the tv to the radio station called The Message. I think its on sirus xm, but its just a music channel with christian music, it gets my mind focused on good things, and a worshipful mood. It helps most nights (except the ones where the pain is stronger) be really fine, this is a fine night!! I spend some time on FB, as an outreach tool, and read news there, but ignore most of it. No talking, just articles about subjects that I might be interested in or not, and I might click on the ones that are promising. Havent made it to FB yet tonight and its already 10pm, didnt get home till nearly 8pm, took a wet walk around the property to look at the growing things my wife and I treasure, then got some coffee, turned on the music, and started my online time while my wife reads. Only about an hour left before I go on to bed, it has been a good day, should be a good nights rest.