It might help if you could write a bit about what you believe, the faith you were brought up in etc.....
You say you want to learn about Jesus. Christians believe that in the beginning was the word.....God breathed our world into existence with The Word. He created us, men and women in His image and after His likeness, and He loves us. But we are fallen, we are like children who have moved away from home and who have rejected our loving Father. And we know we are fallen, that we have and are sinning against God....Because the Father loves us, he sent His son to save us. We believe that Jesus is The Word made flesh...made human. Jesus came down and is one with The Father, and Jesus went to the cross so that, by accepting Jesus as our Lord and Saviour we are forgiven our sins, we are made clean, and we are saved so that when we die we can return to The Father.
I hope that helps a bit.....if you have questions please ask.