Hello! My name is Sue, and I've been a believer my entire life, but a born again follower of Christ for 18 years. I love Jesus with my entire being, and so does my family. I feel very blessed by this. I do have a sister in law and her husband that do not believe. I pray for them every single day. I long for the return of Jesus, while at the same time with a grieving heart for the lost. I have a story that I haven't really had anywhere to share. This may be a perfect place. In the summer of 2019 I had just finished praying for the last time of the day, before going to bed. I prayed for all kinds of things, including praying for our leaders, especially President Trump, and his family. I did not pray that night that he would win the election, but for his safely, and his family. As I was moving my pillow from one place to another, with nothing on my mind in that moment, I know I heard: "Trump will win a second term, and then I am coming soon. Tell the others." It stopped my in my tracks. I know what I heard, yet I questioned was that my brain? I still question, as I don't ever want to ascribe something to God that isn't correct, if that makes sense. Yet, when God speaks it's just different. I didn't tell anyone at first because I thought people would think I was crazy. I told my husband, as he is always supportive. I told one person that I volunteered with, as I knew she wouldn't criticize me. When he didn't win that November, we thought, ok, it was my own brain, case closed. I could never have imagined that he would run again!! I didn't hear that he would win that election. What I heard was that he would have a second term. Soooo here I am telling "others", as I'm not exactly sure who the "others" are. I have told more people I know, and as Nov gets closer, I plan on telling more. I also want to be careful who I tell, as I don't want to ruin my witness with something I may be incorrect about. We'll see. I am excited to be a part of this community of believers! Thank you for taking the time to read my introduction!! God bless you all! ~ Sue