Rather than rewrite most of what I've written already I'll copy and paste from my reply to a post here.
I know many "Christians" are against 12 Step groups. Everyone has an opinion. 9/19/1981 is the 1st day I consciously decided not to do drugs or drink. Fortunately, my best friend at the time had sobered up the year before and took me to my 1st meeting. Before some of you get wound up, I was involved with a church as well. However, I surrendered to THE FATHER through his son 13 years after I sobered up. 1994. It's a process.
This would be useless if I stopped here. I was physically and emotionally abused by violent parents, I was sexually abused by a relative. I started smoking at 8 and drinking at 12, drugs at 18. The list of things I didn't take is shorter than what I did. I broke all the commandments eagerly and willingly. Every pastor I asked for help had nothing for me. The same for the kind people in the various congregations where I inflicted my presence upon them.
I used to smoke pot with my 1st pastor who performed my 1st wedding. He wanted me to be his dealer. Funny thing is, I knew it was wrong and decided to be virtuous and declined. I started questioning religion at that point. I knew God was real but had no idea what that meant. So I continued drinking and drugging while I destroyed my life and nearly destroyed those of my wife and kids.
I've gone to a variety of different denominational churches. I spent 5 years as a rabid charismaniac. Then I got serious and began to study scripture.
Here's where I'm at. If you're going to tell me what scripture says in response to something I post please make sure you really know what it says. What I'll do is go to a Greek and Hebrew dictionary, look at a concordance or two and then check out the historical and societal context all to see if you know what you're talking about. I expect the same in return.
For example, charismatics claim you are not fully baptised in the holy spirit unless you "speak in tongues". Really? Imagine my surprise when I looked up what that phrase meant in the original Greek. It means to speak in another language. That's it. There is no other reference in the Book about a secret prayer language, or the ability to speak in another language as the confirmation of spiritual baptism. For that matter there is no legitimate reference to the holy spirit as a spiritual being. Anyway I left the charismaniacs shortly after that.
So, I'm still studying and questioning. I enjoy a good argument. I hope that doesn't scare you off.
Definition of argument
1a: the act or process of arguing, reasoning, or discussing : ARGUMENTATION
b: a coherent series of reasons, statements, or facts intended to support or establish a point of view; a defense attorney's closing argument.
Today I've been happily married for 33 years to a wonderful woman. I believe Yahweh brought us together. Life is good. I didn't say perfect, just good. We're content with what we have and know we've been blessed.
I dont believe what many Christians traditionally believe so I'll keep those things to myself, for now. I'm interested to see where and how this goes.
I know many "Christians" are against 12 Step groups. Everyone has an opinion. 9/19/1981 is the 1st day I consciously decided not to do drugs or drink. Fortunately, my best friend at the time had sobered up the year before and took me to my 1st meeting. Before some of you get wound up, I was involved with a church as well. However, I surrendered to THE FATHER through his son 13 years after I sobered up. 1994. It's a process.
This would be useless if I stopped here. I was physically and emotionally abused by violent parents, I was sexually abused by a relative. I started smoking at 8 and drinking at 12, drugs at 18. The list of things I didn't take is shorter than what I did. I broke all the commandments eagerly and willingly. Every pastor I asked for help had nothing for me. The same for the kind people in the various congregations where I inflicted my presence upon them.
I used to smoke pot with my 1st pastor who performed my 1st wedding. He wanted me to be his dealer. Funny thing is, I knew it was wrong and decided to be virtuous and declined. I started questioning religion at that point. I knew God was real but had no idea what that meant. So I continued drinking and drugging while I destroyed my life and nearly destroyed those of my wife and kids.
I've gone to a variety of different denominational churches. I spent 5 years as a rabid charismaniac. Then I got serious and began to study scripture.
Here's where I'm at. If you're going to tell me what scripture says in response to something I post please make sure you really know what it says. What I'll do is go to a Greek and Hebrew dictionary, look at a concordance or two and then check out the historical and societal context all to see if you know what you're talking about. I expect the same in return.
For example, charismatics claim you are not fully baptised in the holy spirit unless you "speak in tongues". Really? Imagine my surprise when I looked up what that phrase meant in the original Greek. It means to speak in another language. That's it. There is no other reference in the Book about a secret prayer language, or the ability to speak in another language as the confirmation of spiritual baptism. For that matter there is no legitimate reference to the holy spirit as a spiritual being. Anyway I left the charismaniacs shortly after that.
So, I'm still studying and questioning. I enjoy a good argument. I hope that doesn't scare you off.
Definition of argument
1a: the act or process of arguing, reasoning, or discussing : ARGUMENTATION
b: a coherent series of reasons, statements, or facts intended to support or establish a point of view; a defense attorney's closing argument.
Today I've been happily married for 33 years to a wonderful woman. I believe Yahweh brought us together. Life is good. I didn't say perfect, just good. We're content with what we have and know we've been blessed.
I dont believe what many Christians traditionally believe so I'll keep those things to myself, for now. I'm interested to see where and how this goes.