may I suggest and old fashioned way?
We need to get into the Body. That is what becoming a Christian is about. No lone-rangers doing their individual thing.
We need each other whether we agree or not with that ,or whether we want to or not. Simple fact.
Please seek out a 'sound' Christian or 'church'.
I suggest that you need to have another pray with you and the laying on of hands to be part of your 'conversion' from where you are to the Liberty wherewith Christ has made you free.
When Jesus was about to 'leave', He instructed His Disciples to go and do, making disciples of every nation. Jesus DID NOT take the approach of, "now everyone can come to Me on their own, I am done with the disciples and they are obsolte. No, He commissioned them to continue His work in declaring the life changing and soul saving Gospel.
You are and have been battling this out on your own and not getting too far.
You, like everyone else, needs the Body to be part of.
Some of us have had conversions without others 'help' and that does occur plenty, but others need to come in contact with another.
Either way, we need interaction with other believers , the Members of His Body, to be part thereof with Him, Christ, as the Head. Simple fact.
You might be shy or scared or ashamed or bashful or embarrassed or something else, but one thing's for sure, do not let pride win over this, the most important event in and for your life. The adversary, the devil, will try to keep you, if possible, from going to a Christian, or to keep you worrying or focused on the wrong point, as has been told you earlier in this thread, but the adversary is only there to make your determination more pure and to 'prove' your faith, so don't get concerned about such. Press on and seek Christ. Not His head only but the beautiful Body of which He is the glorious Head.
You won't regret it!
Bless you ....><>
Jesus is the Lord
Seek and ye will find
Matthew 7:7