I pray that God comforts both you and your children, and restores your family, & His will is done. Know your not alone. Isaiah 54:17 "So no weapon that is used against you will defeat you. You will show that those who speak against you are wrong. These are the good things my sevants receive. Their victory comes from me," says the Lord. ICB. Keep speaking the Word over your lives', confessing the Word, focusing on God, try to keep your mind off the problem or from worry, try to just stay in the present, in the moment, be thankful for your kid's, look into their lovely little faces, and try to draw closer to God, through this, now more than ever, b/c no matter what happens, He's going to be there, seeing You through, and He's the One, that can touch upon your hearts and bring this to a peaceful resolution. Believe in miracles, when all hope was lost, and my marraige was headed down the pipes, I went through many dark nights, shed many tears, so I'm speaking from experience, my "sister", and God is ABLE to do exeeding abundantly above all we can think or ask. Trust in Him, no matter what. Keep your head up. I would definitely use this experience to draw closer to God, He promises He's going to draw closer to you, when you do that. His Word is true. I'd suggest speaking that out, God is good for His Word, it never fails, He doesn't fail, He's good for it... etc. Try to laugh, try to find something to laugh about, it's good medicine, and does the soul good. Also, another 2 cents, try to find someone to help worse off than you. I know it's cliche, but if you can try it, you can sow and reap some joy. God bless, and good luck, my highest prayers with you. Be strong and courageous (Joshua 1:8) I love you, sister in Christ. Post your praise....when things manifest and you get the victory and breakthrough please. God is able.