Hey All...I am new here and only hope I am posting this in the right place.
My Husband came to me the other morning and told me he had a lot of stuff on his mind and he wanted to write (or rather type) it down and send it out. I told him that if he felt that strongly, to knock himself out.
Let me just say that I was totally AMAZED at what he had to say! I am so proud of him and so blessed that he has stopped running!! Below I have copy/pasted what he sent out....I hope it touches you as much as it touched me!! (and yes, the 'faith based online forum he spoke of is Talk Jesus!!)
It's titled "My Thoughts On GOD In Today's World!!"
Now as many or most of you know I was raised in church, and I was brought up to know God, and for that I am very thankful. I have always known that there was a Higher Power out there. I have always known that there was a plan for my life. Now many of you know that at one time I walked in the Fathers footsteps, but I was tempted with many other things that I thought would ease my pain alot faster so I left my walk with God, and followed the influence of the world, and what I thought the world wanted me to be.
The one thing that always stayed constant in my life was the support of my family, and the support of God. Many people look at the church with the attitude that they don't need God in their lives. I am one to tell you that I have had problems, and that I am still having problems. I look at the world and see how people treat people, and I am sorry, but I am very ashamed of the lack of respect for all living things. I am very thankful to know that i have a great family and some truly great friends that have always been there for me with encouraging words.
People always tend to try to fix things on their own when things go wrong in their lives, and households. The only true thing in the world is GOD. GOD IS the answer to all things, and he will never let anything happen to you without showing you the way out of trouble, or the right path to take. God has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, and yes I am guilty of not living like I should, but I know that all I have to do is ask for forgiveness, and He will be right beside me showing me the way. I was reading a faith based forum online today, and I saw somebody say that "Satan can not and will not EVER be able to tempt you, or throw something at you, without God shielding you. God will always help, guide and protect you; all you have to do is ask."
That got me thinking about my own life, and the things that are going on in my life right now. As some of you may know I have been out of work for a little while now, and it has been very hard finding something. It has taken me a very long time to realize that I need to have God back in my life on a constant basis for anything that I want or even need to be there for me. I know that many of you might say to yourself that you have heard this from me before, well yeah you have heard some of this from me before. The one thing I am the most thankful for is the fact that I have a wonderful family that loves and cares for me and my well being.
It truly saddens me when I think of the people that will never see the light, and will never know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. I for one know that Jesus died not only for me but for everyone. I do love God, and I want to be able to say "yeah I know who God is, and yes I worship him every single day of my life". I do know that God has a plan for my life, and for the first time in my life I am ready to accept this plan and surrender my life and my will to God. I pray everyday that God will guide me and show me the direction He wants me to go.
I was told along time ago that nothing can begin without the first step, well I am taking that first step. Now am I putting myself out there on the limb? Yes I am. I know that with this choice I will have let downs and I will have disappointments in my life, but I also know that anything I go through will only make me a stronger person, and will make my bond with God even stronger then it has ever been. Everybody knows that they will, at some point, pass away from the earth and this beaten and broken body. I would like to have the peace of mind in knowing that I will be going to a much better place when I die.
Everyday when I get up, I thank God for letting me have another day on HIS earth. Alot of people get that confused, but this IS His earth. I can only pray and put things in God's hands, and know that when God sees that its is the right time it will happen. I don't know about everybody else but I feel amazing when I am in the presence of God. I feel like no matter what I will always have a strong hold on things, and that I always have someone there to help hold me up when things get heavy.
One thing I will say is thank you Amanda, thank you Charles and Kim, thank you Pam, and thank you Momma. If not for each and every one of you I would not be the man that I am right now. I say this because everyone of you know the path that I was going down, and you all know how I would have ended up if I continued down that path.
It would be nice to think that everybody in the world feels the same way I do right now, but I know that is not true. I know that there is a lot of people in the world that don't know God, and don't know about the power of God. We have all seen His power in the world with everything we look at. We have all seen His love and compassion in the world at some point in our lives, although some people will never realize what they are seeing.
Well I am going to close this out now, but I want to let you know that all you ever have to do is just ask. That's all it takes is just being humble and ask God for His help and support, and trust me, He will be there. I am no longer afraid of what people think when I bow my head and pray. I hope that I can some how touch somebody and be the vessel for God to work through to reach more people.
I want to be a vessel for God, and hope and pray that in some way this has touched you. If this has touched you in any way don't be ashamed.
If you feel touched by this I pray that you will repeat this prayer and ask God to come into your heart and forgive you of any and all of your sins.
"Dear Heavenly Father I ask you to come into my life, and forgive me of my sins. I ask you Lord to help me and guide me through life and show me the way. I pray that You come into my life and my heart as my Lord and Savior. AMEN"
My Husband came to me the other morning and told me he had a lot of stuff on his mind and he wanted to write (or rather type) it down and send it out. I told him that if he felt that strongly, to knock himself out.
Let me just say that I was totally AMAZED at what he had to say! I am so proud of him and so blessed that he has stopped running!! Below I have copy/pasted what he sent out....I hope it touches you as much as it touched me!! (and yes, the 'faith based online forum he spoke of is Talk Jesus!!)
It's titled "My Thoughts On GOD In Today's World!!"
Now as many or most of you know I was raised in church, and I was brought up to know God, and for that I am very thankful. I have always known that there was a Higher Power out there. I have always known that there was a plan for my life. Now many of you know that at one time I walked in the Fathers footsteps, but I was tempted with many other things that I thought would ease my pain alot faster so I left my walk with God, and followed the influence of the world, and what I thought the world wanted me to be.
The one thing that always stayed constant in my life was the support of my family, and the support of God. Many people look at the church with the attitude that they don't need God in their lives. I am one to tell you that I have had problems, and that I am still having problems. I look at the world and see how people treat people, and I am sorry, but I am very ashamed of the lack of respect for all living things. I am very thankful to know that i have a great family and some truly great friends that have always been there for me with encouraging words.
People always tend to try to fix things on their own when things go wrong in their lives, and households. The only true thing in the world is GOD. GOD IS the answer to all things, and he will never let anything happen to you without showing you the way out of trouble, or the right path to take. God has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, and yes I am guilty of not living like I should, but I know that all I have to do is ask for forgiveness, and He will be right beside me showing me the way. I was reading a faith based forum online today, and I saw somebody say that "Satan can not and will not EVER be able to tempt you, or throw something at you, without God shielding you. God will always help, guide and protect you; all you have to do is ask."
That got me thinking about my own life, and the things that are going on in my life right now. As some of you may know I have been out of work for a little while now, and it has been very hard finding something. It has taken me a very long time to realize that I need to have God back in my life on a constant basis for anything that I want or even need to be there for me. I know that many of you might say to yourself that you have heard this from me before, well yeah you have heard some of this from me before. The one thing I am the most thankful for is the fact that I have a wonderful family that loves and cares for me and my well being.
It truly saddens me when I think of the people that will never see the light, and will never know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. I for one know that Jesus died not only for me but for everyone. I do love God, and I want to be able to say "yeah I know who God is, and yes I worship him every single day of my life". I do know that God has a plan for my life, and for the first time in my life I am ready to accept this plan and surrender my life and my will to God. I pray everyday that God will guide me and show me the direction He wants me to go.
I was told along time ago that nothing can begin without the first step, well I am taking that first step. Now am I putting myself out there on the limb? Yes I am. I know that with this choice I will have let downs and I will have disappointments in my life, but I also know that anything I go through will only make me a stronger person, and will make my bond with God even stronger then it has ever been. Everybody knows that they will, at some point, pass away from the earth and this beaten and broken body. I would like to have the peace of mind in knowing that I will be going to a much better place when I die.
Everyday when I get up, I thank God for letting me have another day on HIS earth. Alot of people get that confused, but this IS His earth. I can only pray and put things in God's hands, and know that when God sees that its is the right time it will happen. I don't know about everybody else but I feel amazing when I am in the presence of God. I feel like no matter what I will always have a strong hold on things, and that I always have someone there to help hold me up when things get heavy.
One thing I will say is thank you Amanda, thank you Charles and Kim, thank you Pam, and thank you Momma. If not for each and every one of you I would not be the man that I am right now. I say this because everyone of you know the path that I was going down, and you all know how I would have ended up if I continued down that path.
It would be nice to think that everybody in the world feels the same way I do right now, but I know that is not true. I know that there is a lot of people in the world that don't know God, and don't know about the power of God. We have all seen His power in the world with everything we look at. We have all seen His love and compassion in the world at some point in our lives, although some people will never realize what they are seeing.
Well I am going to close this out now, but I want to let you know that all you ever have to do is just ask. That's all it takes is just being humble and ask God for His help and support, and trust me, He will be there. I am no longer afraid of what people think when I bow my head and pray. I hope that I can some how touch somebody and be the vessel for God to work through to reach more people.
I want to be a vessel for God, and hope and pray that in some way this has touched you. If this has touched you in any way don't be ashamed.
If you feel touched by this I pray that you will repeat this prayer and ask God to come into your heart and forgive you of any and all of your sins.
"Dear Heavenly Father I ask you to come into my life, and forgive me of my sins. I ask you Lord to help me and guide me through life and show me the way. I pray that You come into my life and my heart as my Lord and Savior. AMEN"
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