Hello Michael,
Rubbing some people the wrong here, there, anywhere is bound to happen. If you are able to tell that you've done so, or believe that it has happened. It's best to let them know in the next post your intent, in humility and you'll find that your perception will be found whether true or not, that they'll in most cases respond to you in kind. With Grace, and Peace. Not always the case, because some folks no matter how much you attempt to show a person the Love of Christ, while sharpening ourselves in study. You'll find they'll prefer the argument instead. Then, it's best to move on. I'd rather they believe they have won, then create animus for them or myself. For me it's about the desire is to grow in the Lord and His Word. It's not about who wins this or that discussion.
About the warm welcome Michael.....We're Family and Eternity awaits us! :smile:
With the Love of Christ Jesus.
Brotherly Hug & Embrace.