Hi, my name is Patty, i'm from Caracas Venezuela, but i live in Chile since I was like 6 years old. Now i'm 18, 19 on december 2nd...
I'm christian since year 2002, and I can say, that my life has been a lot way better since I met Jesus... He abosolutely chaged it, and I praise the Lord for all the blessings in my life...
I dont know how did I get to this web site, but I think it's a great oportunity to know about other christians around the world, besides that I can practice my English jeje...
I'm in love with Jesus, so I hope I can share with you, and learn more as well about our precious Lord...
I'm christian since year 2002, and I can say, that my life has been a lot way better since I met Jesus... He abosolutely chaged it, and I praise the Lord for all the blessings in my life...
I dont know how did I get to this web site, but I think it's a great oportunity to know about other christians around the world, besides that I can practice my English jeje...
I'm in love with Jesus, so I hope I can share with you, and learn more as well about our precious Lord...