Love the sinner, hate the sin. I have a close relative who lives that (perverted, IMHO) lifestyle. I believe what the Word says, it seems in this country, there's a lot of that type of behavior glamourized in the media, Hollywood, but by and large, it seems that it truly is just a minority of people, more bark than bite. Let's flood heaven with our prayers for God's will here on earth, pray for our representatives in the government and stand up against gay marraiges and pray for every soul to come to Jesus and not end up in hell, apart from Him. I feel that sin is sin is sin, so gossipping is the same as homosexualality. However, the big difference for me, is that as someone who believes in Christ, and has received Him, and have a relationship with God through Jesus - I'm a Christian, when and if I sin, which I try to stay under the blood, and not continue in it... well, I can ask God's forgiveness, get back in that righteousness that only Christ provides. No this doesn't give me a permit to sin, and keep sinning, the longer I serve Christ, the more I want to please Him and put down the 'flesh' and the sinful desires, get my mind lined up with the Word, and my life will follow. I personally would think it was offensive, if someone refered to me as heterosexual, though I am a straight, married woman... IMO, it's kind of rude, why should it even be an issue. Of corse, the world is not saved, and it is perverse, let's be the light, but can't criticize the world, and unbeliever's for sinning well...JMO, L8tr...I don't think it does any real good, to bash people over the head with the Word, if they don't believe... I read somewhere recently, about soul winning, it was quite a good read, maybe i'll post later for anyone interested where to find it... but he talked about, this particular pastor or whatever, how God's law is perfect for conversion of the soul... And brining up the 10 commandments, first people need to know they've violated God's law, and that God offers a way to get right with Him, b/c none of us can live up to the law, but now we're free in the Spirit. yadayada yada, i'm ramblin' you all. Just my two cents... i don't like to fight, especially over spirituality/christianity, i see no point in that, so if anyone disagree w/ me, no offense, and none taken from you, if you feel otherwise, or 'know' otherwise... peace.
by the way, i'm newer to this forum, and my name is Melissa. I'm a Native American from Michigan, and a believer for the past 6 yrs, God bless, nice to meet you.