Faith of the Believer and The Faith!
Hi All,
Sunshine has reminded me of a stumbling block that 'i' once encountered in this subject. She has put it down well above!
Can I just add this conclusion that I arrived at as a result of being told by the Still Small Voice at the time!
1. My faith, I'm really talking about my personal belief, John3:16 and all that that entails. My personal belief's and relationship with God, Blessed be His Holy Name!
2. The Faith, I'm back at 'Inhisgrace!' and Hebrews.11:1. Our Faith, The Faith of the Church and all that, Usually lots of that, but I'm not awake yet! Not bad for automatic, though, yet again?
3. Then there is the worldly faith of we humans!
A small example, Last night I pressed something twice and guess what. Bulletin from the Forum. You have done something or tried to do something to the system and I Chad, or possibly his Computer, (All glory to it's name!), has cut you off!
Thirty minutes of no Talk Jesus! Cast out into the wilderness without knowing what? Gnashing of teeth etc. (Worth a reminder here possibly?), not that anyone is in the miry, yet?
And I have been sailing close to the wind once or twice latterly, you see. So used to debate and purifying my position against others by debate you see!
Wordily faith, defined by me as depending on myself and not in my personal faith, John three sixteen and all that! Or depending on The Faith of my Church and all that, Heb11:1!
Yours in His tender-loving-kindness,
Colin2000, a grateful Christian, and all that!
PS. A great "i" post don't you think? Where is my Lord the Holy Ghost? Are Selah, (Rest in Him a possible answer. (I will return when awake, my def. of awake. It is when the Brian is connected to the mouth and writing hand! or something like that?).
PPS. Hi Sunshine, I'm running out of P.M.'s. do you want my Yahoo? Consider well before answering and all that?
PPPS. Not forgetting Ed. above, The answer to all this possibly!!! .................