Faith is all you need to be saved. Faith will lead to repentance, which with seeking God brings salvation. Baptism is religious in nature, a symbolic representation in this physical World of your desire and commitment to God spiritually, it is not a pre- requisite for eternal life. and confession is only needed from you to God, be honest with God fully because he already knows the truth, he wants you to admit you are not enough and that Jesus is your only path to purity because his blood alone washes away sin and inequity, not mans baptisms or confessing to man. I found Jesus or vice versa while reading the Bible for history not religion, I never expected God to be real, but I heard "Jesus loves me" while reading of him and I have not looked back I have been running to him ever since. All I had was faith, no church or persons of faith to lead me, with the Bible alone Jesus made me into a new creation and the Holy Spirit showed me I didn't need a man with water baptising me, Jesus baptised me with the Holy Spirit which supercedes all mans religious traditions. I don't have a religion I follow, I just follow Christ and He assures me salvation comes from Him alone and all I have to do is love as He loves me to everyone and trust God and his Word, other than that accepting Jesus and simply trying to be better through a relationship with him are sufficient. He will come down to your level and raise you from there. God has done miracles for my soul and usually I didn't see what he was doing until he made perfect that aspect of my character, I prayed, cried, begged, meditated, and just kept seeking and he always worked on my behalf because I assure you I had no idea what I was doing, I felt insecure just approaching prayer for weeks but he always shows me what he's done for me after he completed it. Truly once I tried to have good deeds/good thoughts/good speech only, Jesus took the reigns and changed my heart fully, we just have to let him break down the old walls of our heart so He can be the foundation we rebuild it on. God is faithful, never changing with endless mercy and infinite love eternally, glory to God and Thank you thank you Jesus, you are our everything!