@PloughBoy -- the 'problematic' part Could be that the vaccine Can provide the amount Of the mRNA that is needed to make the spike protein that would enable the person's immune system to generate the antibodies needed to protect the person if they are later exposed to the virus.
It Sounds like it depends on the individual person's immune system needs.
It Also sounds like the individual person Can help build up their own immune system -- Our natural immunity usually comes through allowing sickness to occur and our bodies fighting stuff off. A body Needs a good balance of good and bad bacteria.
Lots of people have compromised immune systems because of chemo/ radiation treatments for cancer. And some because of HIV -- drug useage -- Not taking care of our own bodies. What we eat or Don't eat. Practicing good hygene.
Most of the info in the article Is correct. The mRNA // DNA.
One of the questionable things, though, in past years, viruses come and go -- a natural occurance in nature. But when we have the COVID that we're learning more and more about -- it's origins -- the reasons For it. Concerns about biological warfare -- The vaccine is being spread throughout the world as fast as possible.
The 3rd world countries -- people have Always been 'dying like flies' -- lots because of the countries leadership.
The New World Order is trying to emerge.
On the surface, lots of things Sound good -- but below the surface -- watch out.
but God's Word tells us things are going to get bad. Looking back in world history -- Eqypt was in bondage / slavery for 400 years. That's twice as long as this country has existed. God had Moses lead them out. I'm not trying to speculate that we have that long on this planet. Well -- this world Will exist in some form until eternity begins.
All this is hard for our minds to grasp. And that's where our faith in God comes in. And That can be Hard.
We All have 'stuff' in our lives that we're trying to work with. I'm definitely in that position.
Guess that we Do need to be praying for one another. Wisdom