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How to deny the Cross..


Sep 6, 2021
A Cross denier is someone who does not believe that the finished work of Jesus on the Cross, keeps you saved.
They will deny that Jesus keeps you saved.
And, as the means by which He did, happened on the Cross, then to deny that Jesus keeps you saved is to deny The Cross.

"Theology is the devil's handbook", if he is in control of what a person believes, regarding the Bible, specifically the New Testament.

Often they will use 2 or 3 verses that they twist into their "here is how i can lose my salvation" heresy, to try to cause you to become deceived and begin to believe that you can lose yours.
They are teaching "another Gospel", and they are : Galatians 1:8

"Spotting the Heretic", = who is going to be that said person, is as easy as simply finding out if they receive the Cross or if they are up on it.

If they are up on it, they will argue that Christ does not keep them saved, and they will provided you with their own Cross... which will be their self saving LIST of "do's and don't do's'", and sometimes its just one thing that has nailed them to the Cross of their own Self Righteousness.
Often tho, it'll be a few different Nails.

If they, on the other hand, have received the Cross then they will give Jesus all the credit due Him alone for saving them and keeping them saved.

Reader, If you can't honestly believe that Jesus keeps you saved, then you are not born again, or you are born again and "fallen from Grace", and you are deceived and will be on a Forum or in a Pulpit, or in a Sunday School Class, or on a YouTube Video, trying to deceive people with your own deception.

See, the spiritual trademark of a dark light, Luke 11:35 = a heretic, is that for the most part they dont use the Bible for any other reason than to try to prove that Jesus does not keep you saved.
When you are that one, you are ANTI-Cross.
This deception will be the center, core, of their Threads, their Posts, and their Theological MIND.
They obsess on..>"how can i lose my Salvation", and this is their MINISTRY, on a Forum, 90% of the time.. = To try to make you believe you can lose yours.
Even a unbeliever can realize that this teaching is not of God.
So, you need to hear it, when its being MINISTERED by dark lights, Luke 11:35 and recognize it, and them, instantly.

Listen for this deception, learn to DISCERN IT... and mark these people and their Cult teaching, and realize that they will try to ruin your faith.

Why does the devil try to do this to you?
Its because you are not going to hell, if you are born again... so, He has lost that situation, but if He can ruin your faith for life, then He has ruined your Discipleship... And he'll happily take that from you, using His dark lights. Luke 11:35.
You have to learn to discern them, and ive shown you how in many Threads and many posts.