Brother Hooah,As you know many are looking to hear from the Lord,sometimes what we are looking for blinds us to what God has already told us, from perhaps another brother of sister. We are waiting like Moses upon the mountain of God, when God has already spoken something to us.( luke 16:10) say he who is faithful in little is faithful in much.
We sometimes wait for some vision or dream,when the Lord has already spoken.Something for you just to consider. I have never had a vision from the Lord Jesus,except at the time of my salvation. But dreams?? YES!! many of those from the Lord. Sometimes as you well know the dream can seem so real,when we wake up from it,our body is shaking as if still in the dream we woke up from.
I keep pen and paper by my bed,along with a flashlight. LOL I know this seems strange but, I look to write down anything I believe the Lord has either spoken to me,or has lead me to say to another or do. Of the many gifts the Holy Spirit can give to us,one he gave to me,is most strange. Please read 1 cor 12 then 1 cor 14:26-40 for a better understanding, of not just the gifts but why!
After Jesus came in me,I was placed in a movie house,front row,you know,you have been to the movies. Well picture you are in the front row,a big white screen is before you. Here, as you know people type in words,we read them,and answer accordingly,but sometimes for me,words come alive on the big white screen! example. A lady here just the other day was talking about her basement,as she said this, I saw a big black hole in her basement by her furnace,I asked her about this? She said why Yes, How did you know?? Well my brother I did not know,but Holy Spirit in me knew,later in our conversation we both found out why I received this,and I was able to help her. Just remember one thing,when we are faithful in the small things God has spoken and already told us to do,he can and will tell you more! I hope this has helped.