It's interesting Saul thought he was "religious", doing God's work.
He considered himself "blameless" to the righteousness of the Law.
I was raised Catholic and when my mom was dying and she didn't receive her last rites before she could give her last confession, because the priest got held up for whatever human reasons, I realized the Catholic religion that was my life did not have God's Truth. I was only 24 at the time and I started a search for God's Truth not man's truth which took many years and ended with an amazing testimony.
What I am getting at is that as a Catholic, I was baptized as an infant and was raised believing I was already washed and had the Holy Spirit, if I sinned and felt contrite about it, that is what mattered, and if I went to a priest to confess it, that is what mattered. Can you see the similarity with Paul's before he was saved? I am not saying my life was like Paul's, I'm saying I believed I was already saved by just doing what the church said to do.
Paul was a Pharisee and they didn't repent of their sins for the new covenant. See Luke 7:30 But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves, being not baptized of him.
In my search for God's Truth, I threw out everything I believed because I did not trust it anymore. Long testimony made shorter...I got Jesus' teachings in the Bible and started doing what HE SAID TO DO, because too many denominations saying this and that, like "faith alone", and whatever…so I went straight to the source, Jesus' words in the Bible, and in it the first thing Jesus teaches is to repent of sins or perish. Well being raised as a Catholic and not believing I was a sinner per se, I struggled with the admitting I was a sinner part, but since I wanted to be saved by Jesus, I had to admit I was a sinner, so I did, I looked at myself and life without excuses and I repented of those sins. That is the beginning of an amazing testimony I have of when Jesus saved me himself.
I just want to help others to know God better, to know God's Truth and not some denomination's truth. I want to help people to have Jesus to be their Teacher and not got to people who call themselves scholars.
It seems we have some people who think that persecuting some Christians, they are doing God a favor.
Right! I have been reprimanded falsely by many site owners and mods and banned, for they are against their private site having such freedom of speech, and I have even been told by moderators and site owners that they are protecting people from me who have their beliefs.
I wonder how many "Saul's" we have around here?
There are many who refuse to repent of their sins because they are taught to just believe. It is rampant out there that teaching.
Of course we know the story Saul met Jesus and became Paul.
Was Paul changed "instantly"? I guess that's a hard thing to say.
He believed instantly, and still had to repent of his sins. Paul's conversion is proof that we have to make our heart right by admitting we are sinners and repenting of those sins first.
We know that Paul was blind for three days.
I read somewhere that "Straight street" is still in Damascus to this very day.
Paul wasn't filled with the Holy Spirit until at least 3 days after the event of the road to Damascus. So when was he converted?
He wasn't given sight and the Holy Spirit until after he repented of his sins.