All I can say is be yourself for God. I have only been a Christian for about 1 year but I remember that once I got that feeling of Jesus in my heart I wanted to save the world. It was like......crazy! This is great that you have this burning desire that most Christians lose over time but you do have to be careful about shoving God down peoples throats. You have seen the light and you want others to see it but they have to want to see it. All you can do is set an example for others to see and let them question you on your actions. They will know eventually that something is different and when they ask you tell them how you feel and how you came to know God/Jesus. Set them up to ask you the questions, ex, if they arrange a date with you say oh im busy. Doing what they ask. Then say im going to church or I have Bible study, or whatever. Then they cant they you forced it on them because they asked you. Its a win win situation.
Anyway welcome to the family and you are not alone. I hope you let God guide you and that you are able to reach the people around you. All the best and God Bless!
I agree here. Just act the way God has asked you to, and when they ask, that is when you ought to share with them
Actions do speak louder than words, so you are an effective track. One thing that kind of surprised me when I tried to share with some of my online friends, when I first came to Christ, was they thought I had become mormon. So my talking to them turned into a debate about how there are so many religions, how can you know which one is right etc. I never really got to show them anything that changed in my life because all I ever did with them was play violent Internet games, and when I came to Christ I just quit. If your actions really reflect the teachings of Christ, you will have effectively given the best case for your religion being correct
So build a strong case for Christ by your actions now, like you are doing, and then when you have an opportunity, share
As far as being too obvious, I really wouldn't worry about it. If you are worried about what God thinks I mean, he knows your heart
He knows your motive, and if it is genuinely good he will honor that and not hold it against you because "you tried too hard" or "you were too obvious". One thing to remember is be continually in prayer. Pray for being effective in your ministry, and pray daily for your lost friends.
Sometimes it takes more than once, and sometimes it may happen after you share and they say no. With the girl I am seeing, she hated religion, had some mean "Christian" relatives that were possibly hypocrites I don't know, and just a general distaste for Christianity. I was pretty sure that was hopeless, but God proved me wrong because I prayed about it a lot. There is no way anything I did really had any affect on her with the state she was in. God just answered my prayer, softened her heart, and now we are searching for a church together. It took months of her seeing the way I changed, and it was after I had talked to her about it a couple times before she finally decided, "there must be something to this".
So in summary, I would say there is nothing wrong about being "obviously good" if you are doing it with the intent of showing the love of Christ, however I will warn you that sometimes it takes a long time before your actions manifest into interest on their part. Also persistent prayer is an important companion to your actions. Good luck with your friends, I will pray for them.