Last year 2021 I lost my wife in Covid. So, it seems like this is a phase of my life and everything in my life is a mess. And there is nothing I can do about it.
Every single day is a struggle. I live my life only for the sake of my son
Dear Brother,
I feel your pain, and loss brother. My wife too went Home to be with the Lord a little more than a month ago. My comfort is the knowledge that she knew the Lord as her Savior, and as Paul said to the church in Corinth, "
We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord." 2 Corinthians 5:8 NKJV.
Truth be told like your wife, she is where we want to be, but God still has work for us to do, whether it's taking care of our children, which I too have a son to watch over though he is a man, family, friends, and most importantly sharing the Gospel that God may be glorified through what others see in our perseverance through the trials/tribulations we are living through. For in Christ Jesus, my and your life, are not our own, but God's, and living it for Christ Jesus guides others to His truth even when our words are lacking or fail us.
It always seems that our lives seem to be so convoluted, with nothing going as it should be. With the loss of our other half, which was there in support, it makes the times so much harder. However, we know in Christ Jesus there is so much more to look forward to!!! I mean I keep using the word "loss" in respect to our wives, but in truth it is but a momentary separation!!! We can rejoice that we will see them again, when our God calls us Home, when our work is done. Until then, we stay faithful, no matter what the enemy, the world, may toss our way or put in our path!
Our brother in Christ Jesus shared some verses in Philippians 5, and though it may seem difficult to do, we continue to strive, walking forward on the path that God has set for us to walk. Though we would even like Paul desired in his writings that we'd rather be with Jesus and our loved ones who have gone before, you and I are here for our Sons, and for what else our Loving God desires for us to do!
For I am hard-pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, [which is] far better. Nevertheless to remain in the flesh [is] more needful for you. Philippians 1:23-24 NKJV
Though Paul was writing to the church in Phillipi the sentiment is still the same as it pertains to our Sons. I'm sure your own son was beloved of your wife, like mine was to my wife. I know I don't want to arrive in Heaven someday and have my wife scolding me for doing less for her Baby Boy, then I could have!!!
(Even through the tears.)
Dear Brother, know that being in prayer and bringing before our Lord, before the Throne of Mercy that He will hear your supplications and intercede upon your behalf. If there is anything specific you desire to be prayed for, please let us know here and I'm sure there will be Brothers & Sisters in Christ joining you in sending them Heavenward! Otherwise, know that another is praying on your behalf for whatever unspoken needs you and your family may have!
Always remember no matter how tough it may get; you are never alone!!!
With the Love of Christ Jesus.