Thank you so much for your openess. I understand what you are saying. I have also been there. If you didn't read sucat's post please do. The information in it is a real lifesaver.
Marie, I would like to share something about myself that may help you. For 15 years I had false assurrance of my salvation. You see, I , like you, had believed in my mind in the Bible and it's contents, felt conviction in my heart and said "The Sinners Prayer". I had a few years of being excited about God, but then nothing. Looking back I see that I never really understood scripture when I read it or desired to read it. :embarasse
I didn't want to be in the House of God after those first few years, and I felt like all my infrequent prayers just hit the ceiling and fell back down on me. I lived in sin, all the while counting on the fact that I would go to Heavan one day because I had said a prayer and I was taught not to question my salvation.
I began to realize something was wrong with my relationship with the Lord, as you have also realized. I had been studying the true Gospel of Jesus Christ as presented by sucat earlier. I felt the Lord call out to me the same way He did 15 years before, but this time I felt Him ask me, "Are you willing to do anything for me?" I examined myself against the evidences given in the Bible to show we are true Christians and failed the test. (See the fruits of the Spirit vs. the sypmtoms of sinfullness in Gal 5:19-26)
What I lacked was repentance. I didn't turn from my sins and to God because I didn't have Godly sorrow, just fear of Hell. When I saw myself through God's eyes according to His perfect standard of Holiness I saw myself for the wretched sinner I was. I was willing to follow Him and His ways even if I didn't wind up in Heavan one day. (I know I will, though!)
You see, the "Sinners prayer" isn't magic words that change you, and understanding the Gospel with your mind isn't enough. A change of the Spirit must come from a belief within your spirit, not your emotions or mind. A study of 1 John shows us what to look for in someone loves God or loves the world. Please consider studying it as it helped me tremendously!
You are in my prayers that God will give you conviction where needed and reassurrance where needed.
I thank God for you! :girl_hug: