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I don't know what to do...


Dec 22, 2008
One of my closest friends in my youth group told me her biggest struggle almost two months ago.

She's the leader of the youth group and has the biggest love for God I've ever seen.

We used to be worship buddies at church I guess you could say. We would always talk forever about awesome praise songs, conventions, human videos, prayer, scripture, just everything. We'd always sit together during services cause we loved to worship together because both of us loved God so much.

Well, like I said about two months ago she told me her biggest struggle.

I've helped her overcome the best that I can and she hasn't done it for over a month now and thats the longest shes ever made it(And I give praise to God cause He's the reason why shes overcome it not me).
We always text eachother verses, songs, or if she gets tempted she'll text me saying pray and I will pray for her. But, its like when we get to church everthings different. We wont talk much and she treats me so different now. Used to before she told me her struggle I could have a conversation with her, but now its like when we hang out I cant and idk why.

She treats everyone so normal but with me she wont even really talk to me, but then after church she will text me. I love to help her cause it helps me in someways too but I hate that its not the same anymore. I miss my friend and I feel like ever since she told me her struggle we've lost it. I dont know what to do cause all I do is worry about her and if shes going to fall or what and its really caused me to be depressed. I mean I cant leave her because shes the leader of the youth group and my friend and so I want to help her overcome this because shes such an inspiration to me and I know God put me in her life to help her but I hate that our friendship has gone down hill. I mean she came to me and told me her strugggle and I've helped her come this far and I feel like if I leave her then she might fall again and I know its not my fault if she falls, but still I'm her accountability partner and I have to stick with her.

Maybe it doesnt make sense to whoever reads this but idk I just really need to know what I need to do. I mean should I talk to her about this or should I just quit helping her???
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My advice to you is pray for your friend.

Give her some space, still text her and share scripture.

I remember when I confided in someone, I was so mad at myself. I felt exposed and I couldn't look them in the eye.

Don't quit helping her, we all need accountability.
God bless
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My advice to you is pray for your friend.

Give her some space, still text her and share scripture.

I remember when I confided in someone, I was so mad at myself. I felt exposed and I couldn't look them in the eye.

Don't quit helping her, we all need accountability.
God bless

Yup........ i agree a lot here...
Don't mean to pry any info, ok.

But if it's a guy, or drugs, and she's still in leadership, better seek someone you can trust for more wisdom.

just remember that when god starts a work in somebody he finishes his work. continue to pray for your friend and help her. remember that it is in gods hands
don't give up, God works in mysterious and wonderous ways and He needs us to be His hands and feet to the people on the earth around us, keep praying and believing that God will answer prayer, He is a very powerful God and has the ability to turn any situation around, His Will is way better than ours and if we pray for His Will to be done, then God will answer as always and will take control of the situation for you :) He sees into your heart and how you are feeling, He loves you, and He will come through for you, You are his little princess :)
Greetings Agapegirl9,

may I suggest that your friend may feel embarrassed and a little uneasy about what she has been doing that has been such a struggle?

If so, let her know that you are only ever her sister and fellow saved soul in Christ and it is OK.... you don't judge her, but love her even more for sharing such personal things with you.

At the same time, give her the space she needs just now if she does indeed need it (don't be afraid to ask, but pray first).... we all grow and sometimes take a little change in direction as we do. Fellowship in Christ's love, together, and pray for her.. as I am sure you do, and trust Him who can be trusted, Jesus Christ the Lord, to do a lovely work of restoration in her, asking first that she be restored fully unto Him.

Bless you ....><>

Br. Bear