You know evan,i can confirm this as well!! About 10 years ago as i was in prayer i said to the Lord,I know you love me,my problem is do you know i love you? Ah I make so many mistakes daily,as you know,and I just wonder if after all is said and done,do you know I really love you? Many years went by,I never prayed the same prayer again,I know he heard me the first time! LOl So!! i just thanked him for his answer every night,some years later yes years,i was sleeping and about 2am i was dreaming and I saw a GIANT BILLBOARD!! In my head say PROVERBS 8:17!! Why it woke me up out of a sound sleep!! LOL I ran to get my bible to see what it said! " I love those who love me;and those who DILIGENTLY seek me will find me!" i was so thankful Evan even as you are today! So thanks for the reminder! ( James 1:12!!)