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I need some Christian Love

Sep 9, 2007
Hi, as the title says if anyone needs some love, it is the right place to make a post. So I am an immigrant in Canada from Russia. I am married a Canadian woman. She's nice but unfortunately doesn't want to hear anything about God. I don't like this. And I am pretty sure that Jesus doesn't like that, either. So I need some love from a Christian woman. I am 37 and have no children.
Rest assured God hears your cries, I will lift you both up in prayer also. Peace and grace to you both!!
A married man doesn't need to be seeking anything from another woman. It sounds like a marriage of convenience but Comrade Bender needs to start to grow into love with his wife if he didn't start out in love. If he married an unbeliever against the will of God then he is is deep trouble for life or unless God saves the wife. That is the bed he made and he needs to sleep in it. No matter, he does not need to be seeking "love" from another woman. It will usually lead to an affair, a divorce and possibly a pregnancy and God does not apporve of any of that.
I have to agree with brother Mav 200%.

You're profile says married, not separated or divorced.
PLease pray and let God guide you on how to handle your situation.
Pray for your wife, even though she refuses.

If you need someone to talk to,
feel free to post something in the men's Forum.
We have some great brother's in Christ here.
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The commandment

Exodus 20:14

Thou shalt not commit adultery.

The book of wisdom

Proverbs 6:32
But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul.

Still applicable under New Testament, as spoken by Christ Jesus

Matthew 19:9
And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.
Brother mabey you should be a little clearer on what role you have with your wife? are you seperated? getting a divorce? etc.

I think it was just your wording wasnt clear on stating your current postion ?
I don't believe any marriage can make it without God filling up the voids. Nomatter what the situation. Because nobody's perfect but Him. Yet, the perfect One can make up for what's lacking in any situation, if we only believe, seek and find Him. Amen.
Hi, as the title says if anyone needs some love, it is the right place to make a post. So I am an immigrant in Canada from Russia. I am married a Canadian woman. She's nice but unfortunately doesn't want to hear anything about God. I don't like this. And I am pretty sure that Jesus doesn't like that, either. So I need some love from a Christian woman. I am 37 and have no children.

The apostle Paul gave his opinion on this matter to the first century church in Corinth- "To the rest, I say this (I, not the Lord): If any brother has a wife who is not a believer and she is willing to live with him, he must not divorce her." (1 Cor 7:12).

We men of Talk Jesus will be glad to counsel you and pray with you to heal your marriage, but we won't promote a man/woman relationship that could lead to adultery.You must continue to love your wife and be a good Christian example to her. You may eventually play a part in her coming to Christ.


Looking for another woman is not the best way out. You must love your wife even though she always refuses to talk about God. Just pray for her that someday she becomes a believer too.

Hi, as the title says if anyone needs some love, it is the right place to make a post. So I am an immigrant in Canada from Russia. I am married a Canadian woman. She's nice but unfortunately doesn't want to hear anything about God. I don't like this. And I am pretty sure that Jesus doesn't like that, either. So I need some love from a Christian woman. I am 37 and have no children.
.Hi, as the title says if anyone needs some love, it is the right place to make a post. So I am an immigrant in Canada from Russia. I am married a Canadian woman. She's nice but unfortunately doesn't want to hear anything about God. I don't like this. And I am pretty sure that Jesus doesn't like that, either. So I need some love from a Christian woman. I am 37 and have no children..

Comrade Bender,
Be firm and be strong in the lord. Pray for your wife that she will open her heart to GOD. Don't give up on her. Encourage her to love the lord that he died for our sins. Seek fellowship with the believers and prayer group. "Where two or three are gather in my name , there i am in the midst of them" with God nothing is impossible.
God Bless. :)
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Hi, i like this site. its helping for my spiritual life. Another thing is i'm looking for Christian honest love. i never marriage. tats it now. Thank you.
hi/we have a message of hope that others need to hear.we will keep praying for all lost souls that they will come to jesus,move from the dark and come in to the light,god bless,gelly,

I Believe That God Works In People Before Works Throught Them. Marriage Is Sacred And Is Of God.i Think You Should Pray To Remain In Christ And He Strenghtens You.then Pray For You Wife But Make Sure She Sees Christ In You . But You Faith In Him And Know All Thing Are Possible With Him.never Give Up And Seek Him Before Making Any Decisions. God Bless. Have Faith,pray ,believe You Have Receive And You Will In Jesus Name.