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i need ur stories my family


Sep 14, 2009
My family , like many believrs here I too am waiting for my husband my one. The lonliness is so very dark and painful, I have had a longing for a companion since I was a kid, I have come close to some relationships but it seems like i sabbatoge them. I just don't have peace about them , they are not believers of God or they are but on their terms not the kind of men that i could truly trust and submit too. I have a close friend the first time i met him i thought he was gay , 3 years have past and he and i are very close . we thought it could be more but something in my gut told me NO!, I distanced myself and now he found someone else and I kinda feel confused.

See he liked to wear make up and once he told me that he painted his toe nails and he loved it ... and he is very emotional and always has to be told how atractive he is and too me I was made the woman... um, he says thats just the way he is ans i should accept it... im confused Jesus accepted everyone i want too as well but i didn't feel safe to give him my heart when he asked 4 it, he also stated to me about one year ago he had orgys and is it seemed too me like he had no intehrity I would hope for in a mate...
But we were very close, does god want me to accept this? I think No... but why ? does it make me jealous when I hear he is with another... ? I feel like i sabbatoge relationshis, and i am finding myself alone with fewer friends.. Father you love me send him too me your will be done... does anyone have any similar stories or a story of how they waited for their one and god brought them togther? i need encouragment my family...:wink:
Mending relationships between husband and wife

Matthew 5:23-24; 18:15-17

“Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there remberest that thy brother hath halt against thee; leave there thy gift before the altar; and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift”
If anything, human relationships are never static. Changes take place every now and then on people’s value systems, emotions, pursuit, inclinations, and aspiration. Since no two individuals are the same and moods keep swinging up and down, there can not but be such differences and disagreements that may threaten the stability of any human relationship (especially marriages) sometime causing tearing apart. This calls for real understanding and deliberates efforts of the parties involved to ensure that threaten of broken relationships are mended.
How is your relationship with your spouse? Strained? Almost broken?
Prayerfully take these godly steps.
Create opportunity for only two of you to talk over the matter.
Listen to your partner with a willingness to understand.
Be in control of your emotion, carefully and cautiously choosing your words.
Objectively examine yourself to see where you are probably at fault.
Apologize for your faults, determining never to repeat the actions and its likes. Prayerfully seek a God-fearing third party who will be sincere and fair to listen to both of you.
Hello Cilla,

Stop torturing yourself about your past decisions and KNOW that those men were NOT meant for you. God is a good God and excellent in all His ways.

He will NOT bring you a husband that isn't yours, this is why those past relationships didn't work out...those men were not meant for you.

As for the one you thought is gay, he probably is. God gave us wisdom in all things and a discerning spirit to help us make or not make some choices that would ultimately do us more harm than good.

When you are ready and God has finished refining your true husband, He WILL bring you together in His own due time, not one minute, not one day before.

So, keep seeking God in all you do. He is faithful and He loves you and wants everything good for you AND He does not want us to be unevenly yoked....a believer and His child to an unbeliever who neither knows who Jesus is nor loves Him.

God knows that being unevenly yoked will most definitely affect our walk with Him and since God is all about our soul and passionately vested in our eternal relationship with Himself, He will NEVER allow that to happen, unless of course we choose to walk in dis-obedience and ignore His edicts and guidance. Unfortunately, we, His children, out of fear and desperation, make these sorts of decisions too often and we see and feel the painful consequences, many times too late in the day.

Be very encouraged though.

God knows your heart and your longings but He wants you to trust Him in this and to believe Him that He WILL bring to pass ALL that He has purposed for YOU, even before the foundation of the earth. Lean not unto your own understanding but in all things trust God.

God is reliable, He's trustworthy, He is kind beyond kind, He's compassionate and ever-loving and able to do ALL that we ask AND more. Continue to seek Him and He will give you the desires of your heart, especially if they line up with His will for you.

Make no mistake...God is not so much interested in us being happy (according to our own or the world's definition of that word). Really, He's not. Now, listen very carefully and read closely the next paragraph.

God is however deeply and zealously committed to making sure that our relationship and walk with Him is not compromised in any way or worse, halted. God will stop at nothing to make sure that THAT does NOT happen. He loves His children that deeply and that passionately.

He is completely, astonishingly, singularly focused on AND committed to finishing the good work that He has started in us. He will remove any and all obstacles, including people, who will take us away from Him and down the wrong path.

Keep your eyes trained on God and thank Him for delivering you from the pain and sorrow that you surely would have experienced if you had chosen to move forward with any of these past relationships.

God loves you with an indescribable, incomprehensible love. In Him, you are complete. Rest in Him and allow yourself to breathe.

Be blessed in the precious, awesome, amazing, all-powerful name of Jesus. He's ALL that AND a bag of chips!
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Thank you my family

with all of my heart I thank yu for your reply. As I was reading your words to my situation I felt the Holy Spirit move and a sense of joy and peace. I wil continue to stand and I am so thankful that you replied I know that was God speaking through you. May God bless and keep you ....
