Officials insist visitors are unlikely to be affected but rights groups say "it will be a problem".
What would happen, What say you. Who side you would choose? The Created Creature, Or The Will of GOD? And What Banner, would you Fly? Would your Banner Be, The Banner of "Sanctification and Holiness"? And Would you Dare to Fly such a Flag? The Banner of "SANCTIFICATION & HOLINESS"? If So, Then Where are They? Or are We willing to admit, That we are merely The Generation of "The So called "The LUKEWARMS".
In the early 1970's, a popular Sermon, was being Preach by The Young Christians who had been "Born from Above". "If you have Gone out of Business, Then You Need to Take Your Sign Down" For we were "Christian Radicals"But The Church leaders of that time, tried so hard to chain us Down. and refuse to let us Be free. They tied us down and put Shackles on us. They Black Balled us, They became jealous, and they began to attack us everywhere and shut us down.
Being scorned as a "fundamentalist" (even if they don't know what it means) is a good thing. Also when they say to you "don't say they" (when referring to unbelievers those of the devil) because it causes division is also a good thing - of course speaking aloud scripture doesn't cause division it just exposes them to the light, of which they have spiritual anaphylaxis.
I would fly the sanctification and holiness banner which I don't have but hey that's a good idea! However I have had similar thoughts like bumper stickers and such, but I shall walk it first and foremost. I do have license plates of Mat2911 and Eph525 on my cars. One person knew what they were, his name was Karl and is a security officer. He said it's quite unusual for a lad of my age to be converted.